Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It Had To Happen Sometime...

This winter season has been truly kind to use.  We have avoided most sickness, only encountering a few fevers here and there and some runny noses.  I knew it was only a matter of time until we were hit with something substantial.  It started last Friday and has consumed almost the whole house.  We've hit record temperatures for fevers and lost countless hours of sleep.  Most families we know with young children have been completely riddled with ongoing sickness, we feel blessed this is our first run in. 

Max has been crowned, Most Miserable Patient, he randomly and frequently screams out just to make noise and express his displeasure.  It's rather draining and to be frank, annoying.  I try to hug and love on him, only to be screamed at for the sake of screaming. 

Violette wins for, Most Pitiful Patient, pouting out her lips and wanting to be held nonstop all while batting her long eyelashes at the parent closest to get her way.
Noelle claims the trophy for, Toughest Patient.  She held the highest temperature, has been sick the longest, but seems to be the strongest of all the children.  She has been suffering countless extreme nosebleeds and the dramatics do come into play, screaming for all to get out of her way as she runs to get Kleenex, and an almost fainting spell when she saw all the blood (it was a lot of blood).  They end and she is back to her tough self, fighting ridiculously high fevers with minimal demands. 

Zane has been the least sick, and definitely the entertainment of the house.  He is a little chatterbox, making us all laugh at his renditions of Buzz Lightyear and Scooby-Doo characters all while yielding a spatula "sword".  I think his time will come, but for now we all enjoy watching his actions. 
I have been enjoying a lot of snuggling with each one separately and all together.  We've stared at the TV entirely too much and read most books than I can count.  Ate whatever foods I could get them to take, and a clean house is nonexistent due to too many demands to be met.  This will pass and we'll look forward to Violette's 4th birthday, warmer weather, long adventure walks, and getting outside. 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I'm so sorry it has hit your home. It's miserable this year and lingers way too long. I'm guessing you might still be nursing Zane some. I swear that aids in keeping kids healthy. I hope all are back to their cheerful energetic selves soon, and that you and Tom don't get it. My money would be on Tom taking Max' title away. Husbands are always the worst patients.