Thursday, March 28, 2013

Kindergarten Roundup, a Wedding, and a Concert

I thought it would be easier the second time around.  I would know the ropes, know what to expect and be able to approach the situation with confidence.  I was wrong.  Saturday morning Max and I readied ourselves and drove to the school to sign him up for Kindergarten.  He was excited, but quiet with a slight nervousness.  I made the short drive and actually began to tear up as I pulled in the parking lot. 

Max has been, and will probably always be, my most difficult child, but we have decided what make him the most difficult is that he is most like me in attitude and reactions to situations.  This is why we seem to butt heads daily.  That being said, I'm going to miss him so damn much next year.  That first week my emotions are going a mess every morning when he gets on that bus, or I drop him off. 

We headed into the school and there were a couple of fire trucks parked for children to climb in.  He did not want anything to do with the fire freighters or truck and politely (score 1 point for me!) said, "No thank you" when asked to climb in.  Inside the school we started the scavenger hunt of stations.  Max met the gym, music, and art teachers and other various school staff.  I noticed a timid exterior and tight grip on my hand as we wound our way through.  I filled out paperwork and he sat securely at my side, staring at all the other five year olds, but not brave enough to say anything to them.

As we were rounding the end corner a small group was heading out for the bus ride.  We jumped in line to board the big yellow bus.  Max was smiling, but asked in a nervous tone, "you're going to ride with me, right?  Please stay with me."  I noticed the bus didn't seem to change much.  It was like stepping in a time machine about 15+ years ago.  I was amazed that the technology didn't seem to change.  This didn't
seem to bother Max as we bumped along on the non existent suspension.  The height of the bus made Max smile as he stared out the window.  The seat swollowed him up and I realized how little he still was.  My hand found his and we held on.  I even planted a few kisses on his cheek and he leaned into me.  I was thankful to take him. 

Back at the school we were finished with the mandatory paperwork and had visited most things, it was time to head home.  There sat the big red fire engine upon our exit.  The firefighters were kind and encouraging as Max checked things out.  He even sat inside the truck.  This is huge, as we have visited many and never have any of my children wanted to sit inside (yes, they were the only children in all the groups we were with that didn't sit inside, weirdo's that I love).  I even got a picture!
He's all registered and in May has his assessment.  Despite my motherly reservations about him being gone all day, every week, I do have confidence he will flourish and really enjoy Kindergarten.  Now, if I can only gather my emotions and prepare for his first day! 

Back at home we got all dressed up and headed out to a wedding up near Lansing for Tom's cousin.  The drive was simple and children quiet due to the comfortableness of our minivan (I actually love it and all it's pretty, shiny extras.  Hello, doors that open with a push of a button!!).  The wedding was small and beautiful and filled with lots of Roehrig's.  We smiled and laughed, visiting with family we haven't seen in a long time.  Dancing time came and my four couldn't stop moving to the beat.  Max was out there busting some very interesting moves. 

Zane decided to make himself a rather cute addition to the festivities.  He walked around as if he owned the place, striking up conversations with random people and then he would find a pretty lady.  He latched himself onto her and would sit with her for awhile.  Then, with monster claws out, would run up to a table and growl at them, laugh, and run away.  He amused a lot of people!

8:30pm rolled around and we decided to head home.  None of the children wanted to leave, much to our surprise they just want to dance.  We let them stay for a bit and stood back, admiring our brood.  They were cute, and Tom and I couldn't help but smile and hold hands and lean into each other, and enjoy this moment. 
We made it home close to 11pm and no one was asleep, shockingly and of course they did not sleep in the next following morning either.  Even with lack of sleep and cranky children the next day, the wedding was really enjoyable for all six of us.
Weekend over, Monday was Noelle's big music concert.  The theme was 60's (This explains the Wordless Wednesday picture) and all  the songs were very recognizable.  The Sutton Elementary 1st & 2nd graders sang, Sargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Hello Goodbye, Here Comes The Sun, by The Beatles, Paint It Black by The Rolling Stones, Green Tambourine by The Lemon Pipers, Daydream Believer by The Monkees, and a few other's.  Noelle's school is blessed with an incredible and very engaging music teacher.  The knowledge about composers and music Noelle has gained over the last two years has truly amazed me. 
The concert was incredible and all the children participating were seen loving music and singing their little hearts out.  I'm still down a camera (maybe the Easter Bunny will be bringing me one, hint, hint!) so the pictures I did capture (in between chasing down Zane as he ran through the theater) turned out with a lack of quality, unfortunately.  But here is a video of the group singing Proud Mary.

And a few pictures:

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Violette Turns 4

A Birthday always forces me to listen to those parents of older children who tell me that these days fly by and soon my children will be driving and dating.  Some days it seems like years from now as I feel like I'm drowning in tantrums and constant fighting, but today, today I am reminded of how quickly time is truly passing.  Violette has turned four years old!  I look at her elongated face, with large, bright eyes as she searches the world for knowledge and promise of a good day, and I am more in love with her. She looks nothing like the baby we held for the first time.  She has grown into a truly beautiful, inside and out, four year old.

Violette has a magnetic and bright personality, always smiling and giggling.  She also has a very kind heart and loves animals.  More times than I can count I find her on or with arms tightly around Cyrus or Zeus.  She loves to have the dogs near her as she does everything, no care for slobber or drool, rather enjoying the licking. 
Being the third she is most happy surrounded by siblings.  Noelle and her play very well together, loving all things girly with equal enjoyment.  Max is best at pushing all of Violette's buttons on a constant basis, but they can be found huddled together looking at books or playing and genuinely getting along.  Zane and Violette also butt heads a lot, but many times Zane can be heard calling out to Violette, asking for help, or pleading with her to play.  Sibling play time is great, but Miss Violette sneaks off to do things on her own.  She loves to shut her bedroom door and have a conversation with her stuffed animals or apply makeup.  As I write so many wonderful things come to mind about my girl.  She is just right and she is a perfect Roehrig child!
Saturday we invited our neighbors over to enjoy cake with us.  Violette requested a rainbow cake and the local cake lady delivered an awesome cake.  She opened some gifts and wore her handmade dress with definite pride. 
Today, Sunday, Violette's actual birthday came and as promised I headed out before the sun rose and bought fresh doughnuts.  St. Patrick's Day sprinkled doughnuts was just early morning treat our Birthday Girl needed.  We dressed and headed out to conquer Violette's first Birthday want, The Chelsea Treehouse.
We arrived just as they were opening and were the first ones to enter.  The children ran around and climbed one of their favorite places, as if it was their own.  Aunt CC arrived with Maizey to join in the fun.  Tom enjoyed his first experience there too.  We all played for hours until the crowds began swarm and take over. 
The children all had built up their appetites and Violette wanted Steak n' Shake.  It was a good choice and all the children devoured their meals and shakes.

 Bellies full and bodies tired out, back to the house we went.  Maizey and Aunt CC hung out with us for the rest of day.  Violette opened some more gifts and enjoyed spending time with her little cousin.  After saying goodbye to our company Violette requested an earlier bedtime and fell asleep a content four year old, filled with smiles and extra night time snuggles. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wordless Wednesday

It Had To Happen Sometime...

This winter season has been truly kind to use.  We have avoided most sickness, only encountering a few fevers here and there and some runny noses.  I knew it was only a matter of time until we were hit with something substantial.  It started last Friday and has consumed almost the whole house.  We've hit record temperatures for fevers and lost countless hours of sleep.  Most families we know with young children have been completely riddled with ongoing sickness, we feel blessed this is our first run in. 

Max has been crowned, Most Miserable Patient, he randomly and frequently screams out just to make noise and express his displeasure.  It's rather draining and to be frank, annoying.  I try to hug and love on him, only to be screamed at for the sake of screaming. 

Violette wins for, Most Pitiful Patient, pouting out her lips and wanting to be held nonstop all while batting her long eyelashes at the parent closest to get her way.
Noelle claims the trophy for, Toughest Patient.  She held the highest temperature, has been sick the longest, but seems to be the strongest of all the children.  She has been suffering countless extreme nosebleeds and the dramatics do come into play, screaming for all to get out of her way as she runs to get Kleenex, and an almost fainting spell when she saw all the blood (it was a lot of blood).  They end and she is back to her tough self, fighting ridiculously high fevers with minimal demands. 

Zane has been the least sick, and definitely the entertainment of the house.  He is a little chatterbox, making us all laugh at his renditions of Buzz Lightyear and Scooby-Doo characters all while yielding a spatula "sword".  I think his time will come, but for now we all enjoy watching his actions. 
I have been enjoying a lot of snuggling with each one separately and all together.  We've stared at the TV entirely too much and read most books than I can count.  Ate whatever foods I could get them to take, and a clean house is nonexistent due to too many demands to be met.  This will pass and we'll look forward to Violette's 4th birthday, warmer weather, long adventure walks, and getting outside.