Sunday, January 6, 2013

Maximilian The Great Has Turned 5!!

The final day of the year, the day which always yields some level of celebration is also Max’s birthday.  Every year I marvel in the coolness that is his birthday.  No matter what his birthday is a significant day celebrated around the world every year.  This also brings much nervousness as I imagine many late birthday nights spent at parties and not snuggly tucked in his bed, but until that time I will enjoy our time with him. 

Max woke up early and burst into our room, ready to open presents and begin his celebration day before the sun was up.  We eventually got out of bed and shook the sleep from our bones.  Presents were stacked on the table beckoning to Max.  As the coffee brewed, he dug in, wrapping paper was flying. 


Snow had covered  the ground and our neighbor’s perfectly steep backyard hill was just right for a few hours of sledding.  The children went down the hill with shrieking joy and ran up with even more anticipation for the next downhill adventure. 





Birthday cake was next on the list of Birthday To-Do’s.  I made the cake for Max this year, and he was very happy with the delicious results. This was made even better by having our neighbor, and Max’s good friend, Luke, join in. 


Later, we readied for a fun evening at a neighbor’s house celebrating New Year’s Eve.  All attendants had small children so by 8:30pm the night had ended and we headed home to tuck the very tired foursome in.

Max fell asleep a happy, content, five year old little boy.

The list of difficult situations Max finds himself in is long.  We battle daily.  That being said, his soft side is large, enormous.  Max has the biggest heart and loves so much more fierce than my words can explain.  He gives out random hugs countless times a day, and his acts of kindness far out number his time outs.

We love and adore are now five year old Maximilian Charles and look forward to what the next year brings.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Happy belated birthday Max! I had a drink for him, or two, or three, but who is counting?