Sunday, January 27, 2013


Pictures are worth a thousand words and the words are just not flowing this evening.  So here are some photos of lately. 

Noelle gives great and numerous piggy back rides (I’m not sure what’s up with Zane’s eyes.  I guess he’s rolling them at me taking pictures!)


Violette and Zane just being cute!

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Noelle dressed up for a birthday party, looking, in my opinion, much older than I’m used to!


Max showing off his mask made in Thursday School, which he is flourishing in!


And the Foursome of Terror caught getting along.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Christmas Break Catch Up, Where Did the Time Go? Part 2

The excitement of Santa began to build when we were about 30 mins. from home.  The children started to giggle and wiggle with anticipation.  We were asked “are we home yet?” over and over.  They knew how far home was, but couldn’t resist asking, as if asking one more time was going to create magic wings on our car and we would land in the driveway quickly. 

Tom unloaded the car and I dressed children in pajamas.  We checked the NORAD website to see where Santa was.  Noelle and Max realized he was almost to North America (it was around 9pm by this time) and they begged to go to bed.  Cookies were set out and milk was poured.  We tucked them in tight and promptly fell to the couch to sink in and relax as they fell into deep sleep.

Tom and I stayed up late, enjoying being home and loving that we were home the rest of break, by ourselves.  Finally we went to bed knowing it would be an early morning. 

Max was up first and woke the girls up.  Zane (who ends up in our bed every night) was still sleeping as Tom and I could here the rushing steps of three excited children run downstairs.  Their delighted cries were heard and I gently work my little man up. 

Two cups of coffee were needed before we walked into the chaos.  Noelle was in charge of sorting and set out to it quickly.  Then the kids dug in and wrapping paper covered the ground like snow.  They had a good Christmas, getting many fun toys they asked for.


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After unwrapping all the gifts Dad had to put things together and unpackage countless things.  This lasted the rest of the day.  We made a large breakfast and spent Christmas day as a family of six surrounded by four cute little ones and many new toys to explore.

The girls received a Barbie House from Santa, Daddy waited until the afternoon to tackle the multiple hour putting together process.  It was well worth it as they love it!2012-12-25_16-56-56_213

The children had a full day of submerging themselves in all their new gifts.  I have to say, they are pretty blessed!  Our playroom is filled to the brim with many creative toys to keep them busy for a long time!

The kids went to bed and Tom and I again sat down to take in the twinkling tree lights and the mess of scattered toys.  It was a good day!

Wednesday came and I had it in my mind to head to the dealership.  My good friend had visited a few weeks before with her brand new minivan.  After exploring it and seeing all it had to offer I was intrigued.  Then the traveling before Christmas had me wanting the room and many advantages it offered.  Yes, I said I would NEVER get a minivan, but I wanted one!

Tom made sure I knew we were just going to look.  Because I wanted it, I test drove it and really liked the way it rode and all the amenities it had.  Hours later we had a new 2013 Chrysler Town & Country parked in our garage!   I still walk into the garage shaking my head at the fact I have a minivan.  Then I use my remote start, automatic doors, flip down the duo DVD’s, warm my hands on the heated steering wheel, and I’m okay with it.  It will be a great vehicle for our family over the next few years. 

Over the rest of break we have lounged, enjoyed each other, and really loved our time together.  I miss my Noelle and can’t wait for her to come home from her first day of school in 2013! 

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Christmas Break Catch Up, Where Did the Time Go? Part 1

Noelle heads back to school tomorrow.  She’s not ready.  I’m not ready.  Max, Violette, and especially Zane, are not ready.  We love the relaxation of days without hurried schedules, pajama’s worn until noon, and sibling friendships that have been strengthened.  But, the time has come, sadly, and my blog needs a catch up of the last two weeks.
Saturday, December 23rd we packed up the Durango (very tightly, and rather uncomfortably) and drove up to Traverse City.  The barren landscape, cold and gray, gave way to much snow.  The children's excitement was peaked at the many inches of freshly fallen and beautifully winter white snow.  Anticipation of sledding, snow ball battles, and upcoming fun was all we heard of for the next few hours of travel.  As soon as we arrived the kids wanted to suit up and head out.  And that they did.  It was just what they needed after being strapped down in the car for five hours. How did I not get pictures?  Well, I didn’t.  My Mom probably has some, but trust me, they had a lot of fun!
After the snow adventures it was time to dress for an evening with my Mom’s family, the Babcocks.  Usually the Babcock Christmas is celebrated in St. Clair.  This year, because my parents are not the only ones with a home in TC, it was a nice change of pace to have the entire (minus just one of the 18 cousins absent) family together.  The Roehrig foursome cleaned up well and we headed to the Grand Traverse Resort for dinner then onto my Aunt’s house.
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I was impressed with our children.  Five hours of travel, playing in the snow, and staying up late and they held up remarkably well.  As we left my Aunt’s house and went to put the children to bed at my parents, we were all smiles at the great time had.  My Grandfather loved having everyone together, and his face was lit up the entire evening.  It was a great family gathering, once again!
Sunday we celebrated Christmas at my parent’s house. The children opened lots of fun gifts and played all morning long. 
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The snow was played in one more time as Tom loaded up the car.  We left midafternoon, full with many wonderful memories.  Violette and Zane were asleep before leaving my parents subdivision.  Seemingly sporting smiles in their sleep.
We arrived back home around 8:30pm, got the children to bed and the car unloaded.  I finished wrapping presents for the next day.
Christmas Eve morning arrived and we loaded up again for our drive to Sturgis.  Everyone was happy about the two hour drive, glad it was not another five hour journey.  We were all excited about seeing The Roehrig Family too. 
It was a really wonderful gathering of the family.  And the food, my sister-in-law was in charge and truly outdid herself with mountains of delicious food.  We ate and ate and then ate some more from the lavish desert table.  After we were stuffed, almost too full to move, the children dove in to present opening.  They were showered with many great presents.  Grandpa Roehrig sat back taking it all in, and even reading to the children when they paused to look over their loot.

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We left a little after five all the children tired and happy.  I personally was so thankful how they held up over the past three days.  I had mentally prepared for major and countless meltdowns, but they were the opposite.  They were social and smiles appeared constantly upon their faces.  But, how could they not be happy?  They had spent quality time with many family members that truly love and adore them!  Of course the large quantities of gifts they were given wasn’t a negative!
I have to say Tom and I had a lovely time as well.  Being around family and able to share quality time with them is so important during the Holiday Season, and even better back to back visits!  I think it was a very successful three days of travel!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Maximilian The Great Has Turned 5!!

The final day of the year, the day which always yields some level of celebration is also Max’s birthday.  Every year I marvel in the coolness that is his birthday.  No matter what his birthday is a significant day celebrated around the world every year.  This also brings much nervousness as I imagine many late birthday nights spent at parties and not snuggly tucked in his bed, but until that time I will enjoy our time with him. 

Max woke up early and burst into our room, ready to open presents and begin his celebration day before the sun was up.  We eventually got out of bed and shook the sleep from our bones.  Presents were stacked on the table beckoning to Max.  As the coffee brewed, he dug in, wrapping paper was flying. 


Snow had covered  the ground and our neighbor’s perfectly steep backyard hill was just right for a few hours of sledding.  The children went down the hill with shrieking joy and ran up with even more anticipation for the next downhill adventure. 





Birthday cake was next on the list of Birthday To-Do’s.  I made the cake for Max this year, and he was very happy with the delicious results. This was made even better by having our neighbor, and Max’s good friend, Luke, join in. 


Later, we readied for a fun evening at a neighbor’s house celebrating New Year’s Eve.  All attendants had small children so by 8:30pm the night had ended and we headed home to tuck the very tired foursome in.

Max fell asleep a happy, content, five year old little boy.

The list of difficult situations Max finds himself in is long.  We battle daily.  That being said, his soft side is large, enormous.  Max has the biggest heart and loves so much more fierce than my words can explain.  He gives out random hugs countless times a day, and his acts of kindness far out number his time outs.

We love and adore are now five year old Maximilian Charles and look forward to what the next year brings.