The weather people were finally correct! Much snow was predicted and the storm has delivered. Light, fluffy snow is falling at a steady, quick rate and the driveway has been shoveled three times and is ready for a fourth. Many inches have accumulated, road conditions are horrendous and we are all happy!
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Thanksgiving Past
Today is December 13th. Friday the 13th actually. We were supposed to close on our current house today, but thankfully, it was postponed. Our new house has fallen behind schedule and we are okay with giving a bit more time to the building company. Plus, who wants to sign important documentation on such a superstitious day. We are perfectly fine waiting!
Speaking (or writing) of the new house, it is coming along. Every weekend we try to sneak over there and see their progress. Last weekend a welcomed sight of many cabinet boxes were piled high. We opened one, and I was pleasantly surprised at the rich, dark, cabinets that were seen. I picked them out, but during the procession there was a few switches and some uncertainty. It was nice to remember my choice and actually like it. Tomorrow, Saturday, I can’t wait to see the installed cabinets and gaze at all the new kitchen space I have gained. Maybe I’ll actually take my camera and post some pictures!
Trim was also being applied, and siding on the outside, doors hung, tile being grouted, and the list of uncompleted projects was long, but each week there seems to be more and more finished. I have to admit, being so close (seriously only 2.1 miles from our current house) has given me the opportunity to drive by often and see the outward progress. Weekends are fun to quickly drive over and walk through, dreaming of where things will go and how we will enjoy the new house.
The children are ecstatic, running from room to room constantly. They go in like small wrecking balls (Miley Cyrus has been, unfortunately, stuck in my head lately) and we have to remind them to slow down and be aware of all the dangers surrounding.
Housing updates aside, Thanksgiving has come and gone. We enjoyed many friends and family (minus my Mom and Dad and brother who were unable to make the trip down due to a combination of car trouble and horrible road condition ;-( ) and have a wonderful time. Food was bountiful and delicious, company was pleasant and rather enjoyable, and our time was immensely enjoyed in St. Clair. I’m not sure why, but my camera stayed home, forgotten, but a few pictures were taken by others:
Over the Thanksgiving break we decided to do things a bit different this year. Assuming we would be moving so very close to Christmas we put up, gasp, an artificial tree. And it’s a very small one. I know, I know, I never thought I would have one, but for this year it was the easy, more practical way to go with all things going on. We were even lucky enough to borrow one from a friend. The tree was so simple to put up and the children didn’t seem to mind too much. There were tears and complaints, but once they started hanging ornaments all disappointment was forgotten and joy began to shine through. I have to admit the ease of a fake tree was very nice, but next year we will be back to taking a wagon ride out to cut our own!
Thanksgiving weekend ended and Monday came. Poor Noelle was complaining all weekend of extreme tooth pain and I immediately took her in Monday morning. She suffered another (third) abscessed tooth and had to have an extraction, her 11th!! Poor thing was in a lot of pain and due to the infection the numbing medicine wasn’t fully numbing the tooth. Each and every yank from the dentist’s pliers, were met with loud agonizing screams. Violette and Zane traveled back and forth from the waiting room to her chair, uneasy with her screams. I tried to calm them and her and run back and forth. After over an hour of five shots and many tries, we decided some nitrous gas would calm her down and allow the extraction to proceed. Noelle did calm down a bit and the dentist yanked and yanked and finally the tooth (and an excess amount of blood) came out. She was brave and strong, but having gone through this 10 times before, she was not as cooperative as previous teeth. She was sore, but the pain of the infection subsided and within hours she was feeling much better.
Thursday December 12, I was able to run another highly successful PTO Santa Supper at school. Many families attended to delight in each other’s company while enjoying pizza and visiting with an incredibly awesome Santa, complete with real beard! 53 pizza’s were consumed, with many breadsticks, cookies and salad. I ran around tending to this request and that request, but it ended with many smiles, and even more importantly, lots of happy children!
It’s an interesting experience being at the helm of an organization like PTO (Parent Teacher Organization). The biggest lesson I have learned is that there is no possible way to please everybody and people loves to complain, but rarely like to help. It’s a very humbling experience, taking criticism politely and smiling through it all, all while screaming on the inside, “if you want us to do something we need more volunteers!”. I politely thank them for their suggestions etc. and give them the option to take charge of that particular item to improve it, and am met with glares, shock, and no way’s.
For now, this was the last major function PTO puts on, and I’m so happy to have it behind me and ready to focus on Christmas. Shopping is no where complete, nothing is wrapped, cookies have not yet been baked!
Time to enjoy the rest of the month!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Thankful Slacking
Over the past weeks it's been good. I had a belated birthday evening out with girl friends. I let loose and enjoyed myself immensely. There was boxes that were packed. Warm weather lent us to an evening fire, hide and seek in the dark, and tons of giggling from the Littles. School conferences went exceptionally well, solidifying that Max and Noelle are not only flourishing academically, but their behavior is at an all time high (it's so nice teachers don't see the typical behavior that goes on at home!). Teachers praised each of them and I let with a big grin on my face, sincerely proud of both of them.
Thanksgiving is fast approaching and my lack of Thankful posting is no reflection on the amount of thankfulness I posses. My good intentions slipped away and although my blog isn't being kept up with, I still make it a daily point to take a few minutes and truly reflect on this life that I am thankful for.
Friday, November 8, 2013
I Am Thankful Day 7 (Thursday)
Zane saying the prayer during Chapel Time.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
I Am Thankful Day 6
I grew up and realized how important having animals in the house was. Not only great companions to us and the children, it has taught responsibility, compassion, patience, humility, and many other things. I'm still grossed out by the bodily functions, but they are few and far between. The many Kodiak interaction between animals and children far outnumber the times I have ever questioned having animals. Also, the protection factor of having two large black dogs, alerting me to any person that comes to the house is a great feeling. Yeah, they are pretty important and we like them!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
I Am Thankful Day 5
Monday, November 4, 2013
I Am Thankful Day 4
Today I am thankful for boys that wrestle. Maximilian understands that he is older and bigger. He exercises restraint when Zane attacks, and knows when to get it back to him. At times I want to shout at them to stop, but I know this is good for both of them and it is what boys do.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
I Am Thankful Day 3
Saturday, November 2, 2013
I Am Thankful Day 2
Friday, November 1, 2013
I Am Thankful, Blog Style Day 1
Today I am thankful for enjoying time with these two precious little ones. They bicker over the littlest things (“No it’s a dark red not a medium red”) but conjure up great imaginary play, share reading time together, throw things at each other, cuddle together, and always bring joy to me. They are a great pair and I am truly grateful to stay at home with them.
Halloween 2013
The white undershirts were busted out and four Roehrig's climbed on the table and dug into pumpkin guts. Although the girls are usually, especially Noelle, taking every measure to avoid getting dirty, they really got into caving this year. I stayed away, using the camera as excuse not to scoop the gooey orange guts out!
My patience and lack of artistic skill was again present as I was chosen to carve faces. The kids gave direction and I carved. It’s fun to see the detailed creations other families come up with for their pumpkins. For us the simplicity of the ionic Jack O’ Lantern, with small variations, works well. This keeps our monsters' pleased, for now.
Pumpkins ready, costumes out, candy bags retrieved from the depths of the basement, we were ready. Max and Noelle packed their costumes to wear during their afternoon school parties. Violette and Zane wore theirs to Thursday School. Noelle was going as an Asian Princess and even let me do her hair before school! There was even minimal gripping about it!
Max felt left out and needed to be a picture with his big sister. The result melts my heart. Noelle looks so mature and I know I’m bias, but rather beautiful. Max, stoic and serious, but with their heads so close together you can almost feel their admiration and love for each other.
Violette and Zane were cute as ever, sporting Bat Girl and Skeleton costumes.
All the children had a great time during their school parties. The Elementary School did a school wide parade for the parents and we cheered on the children as they proudly showed off their costumes. From school we picked up pizza (the line was so long because all parents seemed to have the same idea as me, no cooking dinner on Halloween!) ate, and dressed for trick-or-treating.
My Asian Princess, Ninja, Bat Girl, and Skeleton!
The rain never ceased, at all. The temperature was kind, staying steady in the mid 60’s. The rain, and increasing winds were not a deterrent and I was impressed with the perseverance of our troops. The biggest complainer, no surprise, was Noelle. But after awhile, when the weight of the candy became more appealing she hustled from door to door and stopped whining.
The wind picked up and turned our umbrellas inside out and pelted droplets into our eyes. The temperature made the rain more tolerable, had it been 38 degrees pure misery would have set it. I remember many Halloween’s with snow coming down. This was much better than that!
By the time we arrived home the children were shivering, face paint was dripping, and shoes were soaked. A warm bath and looking at their candy cured it all and ended Halloween.
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Cheers to 30
Yep, it happened. I had been dreading it and avoiding it the last few years, but if finally came. I turned 30 on October 24th. You know what? It was not that bad. At all. Heck, it was a pretty freaking wonderful day!
Zane and Violette had Thursday School from 9-1:30. That right there was a nice break, but a group of friends got me a pedicure during that time! I arrived at the salon to find a beautiful card and chocolates! During my soaking a dear friend, Krista, came with a beautiful Happy Birthday Rose. Chocolates and flowers, and a pedicure oh my!
Tom came home with a beautiful birthday cake too.
My big present was some gorgeous leather furniture bought a few weeks before my actual birthday. Before any offers came in on the house, we thought new furniture would be nice. Now that we have a new house, it will be delightful to decorate it with the new couches.
The evening before my birthday I made a decision to chop a decent portion of my hair off too. It was a freeing feeling. New decade, new hair, new house, new beginning. 30 will be a great decade. One without births, diapers, and all that goes along with wee little ones. A decade of change and growth and despite my initial hesitation, I’m ready and am leaping into my 30’s gladly!
The sun has set on my 20’s and what a beautiful setting it was.
And He’s Three…
It was October 19th and that means a little boy in our house celebrates another birthday. Zane Michael turned 3 years old!! Each and every day I am so thankful for this little boy. He’s completes our family, and I look at him with wonder in my eyes. Blond hair and blue (mostly with a bit of green around the pupil) eyed, he truly melts my heart in many ways.
The night before the 19th he was a bit wound up and went to bed late. He went down and about twenty minutes later I heard him shouting for me, so I go into his bedroom and he’s sitting erect in bed. I snuggle him in and he says, “it’s tomorrow, you have to say ‘Happy Birthday Zane’ to me!”. He was very excited about this birthday and insisted that tomorrow had arrived at every chance he got.
Saturday morning finally did come and Zane woke up way too early and ready for his birthday. He immediately opened presents, as Tom and I rubbed the sleep from our eyes and scrambled to get coffee and the camera. Zane loves The Incredible Hulk and his themed presents were just what he wanted.
Cake time came in the afternoon and I delivered with a Hulk themed cake. A dear friend helped me, but I was pretty proud of the outcome and even more excited with Zane’s reaction.
All is good in the world of being three. Zane tells anyone who will listen that he is now three and of course expectations of what he can do have dramatically increased. This boy is a constant challenge (very similar to his big brother) but a consistent joy and we love and adore him very much!
On Sunday the sun was shining bright and he headed out to try out Zane’s new Stomp Rocket. It was great fun for all, including Daddy, to compete on the height of the rocket and distance.
Happy Birthday Zane Michael!!
Friday, October 11, 2013
Fall Swing
House woes and excitement aside, Max lost his first tooth! That's some important stuff right there! This front bottom tooth was hanging by the slimmest thread possible. Noelle begged me to take it out before it got to this point, but Max was much more reluctant to me pulling it out. He would push the tooth past horizontal and the darn thing still held on. Finally, one strong tongue thrust and it popped out. He was so excited, and coincidentally it was the night before school pictures. The Tooth Fairy made her appearance and all was good in his five year old world.
Ready for School Pictures, my second grader and kindergartner: