Monday, December 17, 2012

Where Did It Go?

November is long gone and we are in the depths of December.  Christmas is just next week!  Noelle turns 7 on Friday!  I can’t believe were this year has gone, where these last couple of months have gone.  It’s a blur of children and more children. 

As I was going through my phone pictures (still just using the phone as a camera) we have been keeping busy and have created many cute memories. 

Noelle’s school had crazy hair and all the children had to participate:




Mentioned previously, we explored more trails at Heritage Park on several occasions and played on the swingset there. 


Noelle had a day off in November and we headed to the Chelsea Threehouse.  The children loved it there, as always.  Noelle does not seem to be in any of the pictures.  She was a blur, having much fun with a friend!


Max’s Thrusday School had a lovely Thanksgiving Soup lunch before Thanksgiving.  He was adorable and I loved eating lunch with him!


Max’s kind heart brings tears to my eyes.  His compassion and love is big.  Bigger than my words.  He is my sensitive boy.


Noelle continues to make progress in riding lessons.  She is confident and strong atop of the horses, commanding them to do as she asks.  The other three children look forward to her lessons. 


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Thanksgiving was spent in St. Clair at my Aunt Judy’s house again this year.  Not one picture was taken, but we all had a great time.  My parents and Uncle Alex were present, along with Aunt CC and baby Maizey, Great Grandpa, and a whole slew of other family that came in and out of the house. 

The local tree farm had another visit from us.  We cut down a tree after searching and searching for just the right one.  The children’s opinions were strong and expressed with great volume at each tree.  It was a difficult task to agree on one tree, but we finally did. 


For the first time EVER the children expressed interest in visiting Santa.  Max and Violette have even sat on him twice this year!  Zane will not go near him, bolting in the opposite direction when Santa comes near.  I have said it before and I’ll say it again, 3 out of 4 ain’t bad!   


Noelle had her school conference at the beginning of December.  Of course it was all wonderful things said by her teacher.  As for academics goes, she is reading at a third grade level and knows all of the required sight words for the end first grade now.  Not a surprise, she seems to excel when it comes to school work. I am enjoying the lack of required parent help because I know it will not be the same with all of the other children.  Of course, we are very much involved with her school work, it is quick and painless because Noelle requires little direction. 

For the first time we will be traveling a lot right be Christmas.  Adventures will be had in Traverse City on the 22nd and 23rd and Sturgis on the 24th.  Although this will be a lot, spending time with family and friends and right before Christmas seems like a wonderful idea.  

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Another wonderful blog entry. I love the hair and think both Tom and you should have participated and taken pictures. But then I guess Tom would have just looked like a smurf since he has no hair. The Christmas plans sound busy, but filled with family time. If you have a chance while in Sturgis we'd love to see you. Christmas Eve we are headed for church around 4:30 and will be busy after that, but have no plans during the day!