Monday, September 17, 2012

Catch Up Time

Every time I sit down to write an update I seem to get distracted by PTO things, or MOPS, or Lenawee Great Start.  Clearly I took on a lot this school year and my beloved blog has been suffering.  So this post will be long with a lot of pictures, but I’m updating and making sure those important and/or fun happenings are being documented and cemented in cyber history.

My handsome, difficult, loveable, and magnificent Max started Thursday School recently.  This is a great program, developed many years ago by Preschool Homeschooling mom’s that wanted their children to get one day a week of structure.  Children do need to learn to follow directions, line up, etc. to get ready for their Kindergarten year.  It’s just enough time to get these little munchkins used to eating lunch, being in a typical classroom and around a teacher, that Kindergarten will be a great  transition next fall.  Max was BEYOND excited and a few weeks ago we headed to the Open House.  Max loved the classroom and set up, and I left feeling like I was making a good decision keeping him home most days, but letting him fly free on Thursday’s. 

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When the 13th, the true first day, came he was ready.  Ready, yes, but many mentions of his stomach feeling weird and a bunch of apprehension was surfacing.  Noelle was kind, telling him before she left for school, that is was okay to be nervous and he would have fun and the funny stomach feeling would go away.  She was sympathetic and warm and Max needed that comfort from his big sister! 

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As I walked him in, his hand was moist and his grip strong.  My boy was very nervous.  I stopped on our walk in, turned to him and got down on my knees.  I look into his warm, brown eyes and told him I was so proud of him and that he would have a great time.  I also reminded him that I would be there to pick him up when school was over.  He coyly smiled and threw his arms around my neck and really, I mean really, hugged me.  We continued to walk in.  He easily found his coat hook and put his backpack there.  It was deliberate and confident.  We were early so I was able to capture a few pictures of him in class. 



I gave him one last hug and he waved bye.  There were no tears!  My heart swelled with pride at his confidence and strength.  I was so thankful that he was not crying, as I’m not sure I could handle it with another child! 

When time came to pick him up I was talking with another mom and felt a tapping on my leg.  I looked down and saw the BIGGEST smile on his face!  He hugged me fiercely and said he had a GREAT DAY!  The teacher told me he was on the top of his game, completing with ease the day’s tasks.  He’ll flourish and soar in this great program, I just know it.  Insert big sign of relief!

Last weekend we decided to head over to Cabela’s to break up a lazy Sunday.  The fish, and taxidermy captured all their attention.  For the first time, in many many years, we left the stroller at home and let all the children walk.  This was big for us.  I actually shed many tears over this milestone, as it keeps hitting me, we are almost out of the baby phase of our lives.  Next we’ll be done with diapers, sippy cups, and diaper bags.   On the plus side, that also means tantrums will subside and a new found freedom will take the diaper bag’s place.  We’ll be able to make a rash decision, with minimal packing, to head somewhere and have a family adventure.  This dries my tears and gives me excitement for our future.


We’ve been hanging around at home, enjoying the beautiful weather.  We’ve discovered lately that our Zane is a little daredevil.  He’ll climb and follow the other three in whatever they do.  I’ll discover him yelling for help at the monkey bars, just about to try and reach for the first rung.  Disaster is mere moments away.  I am never far away and have been able to catch him before he falls each time.  It amazes me the courage the younger children posses.  They admire their older siblings and want to be like them in every way.


It has been an idea, bounced back and forth, over the summer, but we finally had a little camp out.  The nights had dropped to a perfect 45-50 degree range, but we have no sleeping bags.  After momentarily crushing the children’s hopes for a backyard campout, we made up for it by setting up the large tent in the basement.  We roasted marshmallows and made s’mores as the evening wound down and the darkness began to fall.  Hands were cleaned off from their sticky mess and blankets, comforters, and many stuffed animals were thrown down the stairs.  The children bounced around the tent, shrieking with delight and laughter.  Tom and I glanced at each others, sending a “what are we getting our selves into, they are never going to go to sleep” look to each other.  Zane kept saying, “me camp too” over and over as I ignored it, not wanting to disappoint my little man.  After some Christmas lights strategically hung to cast just the right amount of light and ward off any scary basement creatures, they all settled in.  We told stories and giggled.  A kiss and hug was given to each child and we crept upstairs.  Tom and I placed bets on who and when the first child would come up.  Zane was nursed asleep and left put in his own bed.  Max, Noelle, and Violette did fall asleep with minimal talking and giggles.  Much to our surprise, we never heard from them at all that night.  The morning came with the same happiness that they fell asleep with.  We heard the little pitter patter of feet up the stairs nice and early, but we were thankful it was 6:30am and not 2am.  The tent will again be pulled out due to it’s great success!

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The coolness is just starting to become permanent and with it will bring, hay rides, apple picking, long walks, Zane’s 2nd Birthday, and countless Fall memories.  It’s a favorite time of year for a lot of people, including this Roehrig family!


Some Stories:

*Max ran up to me with his eyes wide and a gigantic smile plastered on his face.  He whips up his shirt and loudly says, “Look Mom, I have muscle boobies now!  Quick, call Uncle!”. 

*For the first time last week, Noelle went out for the bus, by herself.  As I began to step outside with her she puts her hand up and says, “I’ve got this Mom, you don’t have to walk me down anymore.  I love you.”

*Talking about when the children grow up Violette tells me, “I want to be a Princess with long hair like Rapunzel, and have lots of boys give me presents”.  Uh-oh…

*Zane brings a Princess gown to me, “Me be a Princess.  Please put it on Zane.”  I do and he proudly says, “I handsome” then throws on a polar bear cap and twirls around.


*The children are into Rock & Roll music, stating their favorite band is Metallica.  If something comes on that isn’t Rock and Roll enough for them they say, “This isn’t rockin’ enough.  We want to rock harder!”.  Zane will dance saying, “I rock”.  Totally Tom influencing them!


Amanda said...

Are you super mom or something? PTO, MOPs, mother of four youngsters and a new puppy. How do you do it all? I loved reading all the updates and think next time you have a basement camp out, Tom and you need to join in the fun!

aunt ceecee said...

its crazy to me as i take a second and remember the exact day all your babies were born, gosh time flies. thanks for updating i needed some stories of my lil rugrats! cant wait to spend some time with them next thursday!!! love ya
kiss my babies for me