Friday, May 4, 2012

Growing Changes

Seriously, when did my children grow up so much?  When did my Noelle become a little girl who has a circle of friends, attends birthday parties, and can read?  When did my baby turn into a boy (actually he just turned 18 months last week…) who throws things, uses clear four word + sentences and has an opinion about what he wants?  Max holds open my door, is mistaken for a kindergartner all the time, and is developing a maturity that comes with age, again, when did this happen?  Violette, a little lady of independence, extended vocabulary and sweetness, mixed in with a budding attitude. I swear just yesterday she was Zane’s age with short hair, round cheeks and actual chub on her body.  Yeah, they are growing.

Never a specific date as to when this growing occurred, but it’s around us.  I’m struggling still, as will always be, but adventures are coming with their age.  Gone will be the time when nap schedules rule our days and a diaper bag will need to be packed, and restocked.  We will wake up and decide to try something new, and just do it because we can and are not hindered by the time creeping on Zane’s nap.  Yes, it will be exciting, but I will never hold that newborn again.  Yep, I’m going to keep harping on those darn precious newborns that I so much adore!  As I work on getting over a lack of another baby in our house (yeah, I’ll be something that I’m always going to want more of, but know that our family is complete at 4) we keep on living life.  Maybe that is why my posts are been few and far between.  Whatever the reason I have some catching up to do…

Noelle’s kindergarten teacher has a behavior chart.  When a student is found doing something good they are asked to move their clip up from a standard starting position.  When they get to the top of the chart an “outstanding day” note is sent home.  On any given week Noelle usually brings home 2-4 of these notes.  Well a few weeks ago she got three in a row and I told her that if she finished out the week with two more then I would take her on a date.  She was elated, jumping up and down with anticipation.  The next day she RAN off the bus griping her outstanding day note.  Only one day left!  Friday, I was excited and couldn’t wait for her to get off the bus.  I needed a one on one date just as bad as she did.  The bus screeched to a halt and a somber Noelle got off.  She slowly walked up to the door, head hung low, hands stuffed in her pockets.  I ignored the obvious question and asked her how her day was while picking her up and squeezing her. She lifted her dark brown eyes and met mine.  There was a twinkle in them and then a tell-all smirk emerged on her lips.  Oh, we have a jokester on our hands!  She earned another note and was trying to pull one over on me! 
She got her date that weekend.  We headed out and after much convincing ended up at a restaurant besides Burger King!  We chatted, giggled, laughed, and indulged in desert!  It was just the date I needed with my oldest girl!
And a picture of my girl riding in a two-point stance, because, it’s pretty impressive and my nerves are starting to settle more and more every time she does it!
The trampoline continues to improve coordination and strengthen sibling relationships.  A trampoline improves relationships?  Yes, I have seen the children get along for extended lengths of time while jumping and creating new games.  An investment well spent and I think they are getting older too!


Did I mention Zane is now 18 months old?  Yes, I’m pretty sure I did, but seriously, EIGHTEEN MONTHS OLD!!!!  He is our “beefy buddy” but only registers on the growth chart at the 25th percentile for weight and in the 95th for height (24 lbs. & 35 inches) He’s got a smile that melts all his siblings heart and he knows how to say all their names very well.  That smile and his deep voice, white as can be skin, blue eyes, and barely-there wispy hair are a perfect Roehrig Package! 
A change of pace can be good.  Why not?  That is why our house is officially for sale.  The sign sits in our yard and I reflect on the four babies spending their first night in this home, first words, steps, all experienced in this home.  Yes, if it does sell, it will be bitter sweet saying goodbye, but we have outgrown this house and are looking for something a family of six can grow into more comfortably.   This evening (May 4th) was our first showing.  I scrambled and got the house ready to be shown.  It was an interesting feat and I learned that a house can never stay very clean with four children!! 
Selling a house, growing children, it’s been a lot lately.  I figured I was due for a change/growth as well.  Why not dye my hair really, really dark?  I’ve been inching away from blond lately, feeling that I’m aging and blond is oh, so youthful.  Here’s a quick pick of my new hair:
They kids were shocked.  Zane kept touching and petting me.  Noelle got off the bus with a puzzled look planted on her face, “what the heck did you do Mom?”.  Max said I looked pretty and Violette wanted to put makeup on me to “make you look even new hair prettier”.  It’s been fun and an adjustment.  I glance in a mirror and find myself still doing a double take at the reflection. 
I end this with more pictures because I feel that I haven’t been posting much lately.  Some are blurry due to a flash still not fixed.  

1 comment:

Amanda said...

As your children grow, know I am amazed at the wonderful people they are being raised to become. Each of your four wonderful blessings have their own unique personality. I like the new 'do too. I'm also impressed with Noelle's trying to pull a fast one on you. Hillarious! And Zane is soooo big. He's only got one more pound 'til he catches up with Mia.