Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Meeting Maizey May

Finally I got to surround myself with the delicate, intoxicating freshness of a newborn!  Born on January 23rd (Uncle Alex’s birthday) my sister and her husband welcomed in to this wild and crazy world a beautiful baby girl.  As previously mentioned, we were riddled with sickness and kept our distance from Little Miss Maizey May.  Finally, the sickness haze lifted and we were able to meet this precious addition. 


She’s soft, and sweet.  She smells like a newborn and I had no problem inhaling her scent.  It’s amazing how quickly you forget just how small newborns are.  Zane became the giant baby, walking around preforming such big kid tasks as Maizey was held and slept peacefully in our arms.  The girls adored her and loved holding her.  Noelle liked being the experienced one and guided her arms around Maizey easily.  DSC08464


We all loved having another little one in the house and Maizey was passed around lovingly.  We were even about to get a picture (Noelle had put on pajama’s at this point and Zane had taken off his pants) of all the Goodhue Grandchildren. 


It was a great visit, only made better by the presence of a new little soul.  The next time we see Maizey see will have grown by leaps and bounds, but for now we will remember our first meeting and the sweet innocence that was her newborn perfection! 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

She is absolutely precious! She's very well developed and looks so much older than one month. I'm glad you were finally able to meet her and get your baby fix for awhile!