Wednesday, September 28, 2011

My Boys

They are less than three years apart and I can see the budding relationship forming and strengthening daily.  Zane watches for Max, and Max takes great pleasure in pleasing Zane.  Max seeks out things to stop his crying and gets a gigantic smile on his face when Zane finally stops and takes interest in Max’s find. 


The boys love things with wheels.  I spotted Zane’s peaked attention in vehicles at a young age.  He would fixate his eyes on Max’s cars as he zoomed past during tummy time.  Admiration for his older brother began then too and seems to be a special bond.

I can see them going off on adventures, terrorizing the girls, building/taking apart everything, and playing multitudes of sports together. Max will guide Zane on their adventures, shooting dragons, rescuing damsels in distress, or playing a riveting game of baseball, competing in distance of balls thrown and hit.  Burping and farting competitions with Daddy will probably be held too.  I, as a girl will act grossed out, but secretly giggle and enjoy the loving competiveness taking place.


Max wonders when Zane will walk (it’s around the corner, but not too close) so they can play tag together.  He whines about it, really wanting this to take place.  Wanting to not be surrounded by Barbie playing, baby toting girls.  He wants to wrestle, and run and pee on bushes with his little buddy. 


Boys will be boys.  That is the infamous saying that parents of boys say.  It reigns true as I am experiencing my boys.  The “vroom” of a car is in grained in their heads and comes out without teaching the moment a truck/car is picked up their chubby hands. A distinct shooting sound is another noise little boys bring forth when they pick up anything that resembles a gun.  They take aim with ease and the noise comes forth.  A noise, formed in their little brains, seemingly, in utero.  They are rough.  Sure, at times gentle can be found in their bodies, but for the most part is all rough and tumble boy.  Zane head dives into Max’s stomach, open mouthed, wanting to give a kiss but it turns into a mini wrestling session.  Max loves it and belts out a deep three year old chuckle while Zane’s high pitched baby giggle is mixed in as well. 

It’s only just beginning, and it’s amazing to watch.

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1 comment:

Amanda said...

What a great entry about boys and the bonds of brotherhood.