Friday, July 8, 2011

Growin’ and Movin’

It started a few months ago rolling around from point A to B. It evolved into a backwards crawl that always ended up stuck in some corner. As of a few days ago, it’s a front crawl, a I’m-on-the-move-corral-your-daughters-and-small-objects crawl. He’s determined and fast. I forgot how quick they really are once in a full crawl. With his previous backwards crawl I knew he would inevitably get stuck in a corner and cry out for help. Essentially he corralled himself, now there is no stopping him.


Admiration from his older sisters and brother is constant. He sees any of them and directs all his energy on getting to that spot. Violette loves to kiss his cheek while saying, “Yay Zaney!” They have been so happy and excited for this new growth…until they realized what it entails.

Watch out siblings, Zane is out to getcha! Speed and skill are increasing with each passing hour. He’s quicker at getting into their toys. They are irritated and unfamiliar with this new stage as he starts to menace. Yet another challenge has arose in parenting four close in age children!




Oh, it may be a new chapter, but they all are growing and melting my heart more and more. Yeah, we be growing around here. Growing children and for the first time some produce.


Two summers ago my beloved Grandmother gave me this small planted rose. She made a comment about seeing if I had a green thumb, unlike my Mom and five Aunts. I planted it, fully expecting the plant to perish under my tainted green thumb. It actually has survived. The rose buds make me smile when I go up and down the deck steps. I remember all that is good and wonderful about Grandma. Never did I imagine that little rose bush would ever survive and when I look at it, it’s like a part of her is living on. This metaphor might be stretching it, but she is with me, watching over us. She is there in that tiny rose bush, growing and surviving on.


She is there watching my four treasures blossom as the rose has.

Noelle, dancing around the basement, head bent and body resembling a young lady, busting out some major moves. Her kind heart, strong spirit, and sharp mouth are forming a beautiful young lady. Learning and absorbing all around her, remembering and yearning for more knowledge, that is our Noelle ROSE.



Maximilian, strong willed beyond any words and a challenge around every corner bring dull days out of the grey and into the parenting light. A temperament that changes so fast my jaw drops more times in a day than can be counted. I’m poised on tippy toes. As much as he challenges me, he hugs harder, and loves bigger.



Violette is still the sweetie, with a strong streak of sour in there. Petite, but mighty with an abounding vocabulary. She is kind and loving toward her siblings, but can lash out very quickly when things don’t go her way. The third in line, only means she has to be that much louder to make herself known! That girl loves to snuggle, wrapping her frail arms around me, planting kisses with bountiful lips.


Zaney baney, as he is referred to around here is chunky and loveable. He loves people, flashing bright smiles to all that glance his way. He loves him some siblings, clapping and waving with exuberance when they are around. He’s a beautiful baby boy, stark white, blue eyes, and light hair.



We’re growing well, absorbing sunshine and inhaling warm air.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

What a great update. I'm glad to read of everyone's growth and not too much turmoil and NO sickness!