Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fighting February

The February blahs have set in. No motivation, at each other's throats, and just plain blah. We have also been sick, as most households have been. Nothing serious. Some pink eye, fevers, coughs, congestion, and lots and lots of thick green mucus (tmi, but sorry that is the way it is). We seem to be on the mend as the green mucus has turned more clear and running a bit less. Yes, I just made another reference to mucus as measure of the level of sick. Again, that is the way it is with children, sickness is measured in snot.

A few weeks back we made a day trip in to Sturgis. We had fun and ate great spaghetti (Grandpa Roehrig's spaghetti is my favorite!) while catching up with the family. The children really love visiting Grandpa Roehrig's house and it makes me so happy that the kids love each side of the family equally for different reasons. It makes me giddy, for family is very important!

A big snow storm hit and we played out when the Motrin was in the system and fevers were down. Snow tunnels were dug and many smiles enjoyed. Zane was even able to venture out during one of the warmer days. Few things beat the fun children have in fresh snow!

A big even happened in Noelle's life. She lost her first tooth! Totally MAJOR!!! We noticed that her adult tooth suddenly came through and then her front tooth became very loose. She wiggled it with her tongue and refused to eat anything but soup, pudding, and very soft food. Finally it was hanging by a thread and she asked me to pull it out. Shocked, because she had been very hesitant to show us the progress of the tooth, I quickly took the opportunity. With a quick and gentle tug (it was that loose, I barely had to pull) the tooth was out. The bleeding that pursued was unsettling and she bit down on a wet paper towel and wouldn't open her mouth for hours. Once the bleeding stopped she was excited and thrilled!

Zane continues to grow very big. He is taking a few steps backward with sleeping, due to illness, but I'm not complaining as I cherish a few more times that I get to spend alone with him. He is very happy, smiling ALL the time. We just love him and I can't help but take pictures!

Violette continues to get closer to two (March 17th). The tantrums are becoming daily as words are flowing from her plump lips. She's a cutie, she's a trouble maker, and she's lovable beyond words.
Well that's all for now. I want to write more, but my bed is calling. I'm tired and I'm worn out. It's the February blahs and I'm trying to fight them but the lack of motivation is taking over. Maybe the next few weeks will be better!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Well, thankfully February is almost over. Hopefully March brings with it excitement and some calmness for you. Tell Noelle congrats on the lost tooth. Olivia is nowhere near losing any yet. The dentist took x-rays a month ago and said it will be awhile.