Monday, February 28, 2011


Aunt Ceecee came this weekend. She has new hardware. On Tuesday, the 22nd, in a complete surprise, her boyfriend pulled off an adorable proposal and even had the local paper there to capture the moment. We are so happy about the engagement and welcome Mike into our family with open hearts!

The children adore Aunt Ceecee and awaited her arrival with great anticipation. She came late Saturday, after the kids were in bed. Noelle begged for us to let her stay up, but the age of 5 isn't ready for a 10:30 bed time. So she fell asleep, gigantic smile glued to her delicate face, excited for Sunday morning to come.

It was a wonderful Sunday filled with many smiles, much needed hair cuts, and even some time with just the youngest. Noelle and Max went on a special outing to a play place then the store to pick our their own gifts. Due to the fact Aunt Ceecee does not have children the messiest gifts were gladly chosen and played with at upon arrival at home. The mess happened, the children loved it and I was okay with it.

Mike brought remote control helicopters. They were chased and greatly enjoyed.

It was a great visit and we look forward to many more, especially now we know Mike will be a permanent addition to the family.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Back Tracking....

I had high expectations of writing a lengthy, detailed post about the past weekend (Feb. 18, 19, 20) that included a date night, hands on museum, Just Dance 2, and a lot of great memories. Instead, we were hit with a horrendous ice storm that knocked out power for us and about 100,000 other residents in the outlying areas and has left me just tired.

So, instead, I'm going to just very brief summaries and many pictures:

The Hands On Museum in Ann Arbor rocks. It is huge, and filled with SO many things. We all loved our time there and plan on making many trips back.

We purchased Just Dance 2 for our Wii and the kids LOVE it. We can't help but smile as they bust out their dance moves, it's freakin' adorable!

Our handsome little guy turned 4 months this past weekend too. He's wonderful, and happy, and smiley, and chubby, and just plain awesome! Coordination is exploding and his grabbing skills are expanding, as is his strength. We love him and his extremely soft bald head!
Then the ice storm hit. It was a big one, coating the surrounding area with inches of ice. Yes, it was beautiful, but also dangerous and unforgiving. Power was out ALL around us. It was a long night Sunday, because the children were very used to their night lights and the hum of fans. We did our best to keep the house with warmth and as much light as we could, but it was very long and sleep was minimal.

Monday came and we were still without power. The generosity of friends took us in. They too were without power, but had a fireplace, wood stove, and generator. They also lovingly offered up an extra generator and Tom took it home. Max stayed with Tom that night and I stayed at their house with the girls and Zane.

Uprooting the kids, and the unknown of the situation took it's toll. Monday night, although warm and comfortable, the girls were throwing up. Not a lot and with lack of fevers, I made the assumption it was the situation and not an illness that was affecting them. Needless to say, it was another long night and I didn't sleep well at all.

I called Tom early Tuesday morning, hoping and praying our power had returned. It had not. In case the girls were sick I didn't want to infect our friends any more so I had Tom pick us up. We returned home to a chilly house (but not as bad as it could have been due to the generator) packed up a suitcase and I headed to my Aunt's house in Ann Arbor with all the children.

I was exhausted, dirty, and spent. It was wonderful to just sit back, after a long hot shower, and play with the kids. Our power did return that evening and after a wonderful dinner and some quality time with my Aunt, we returned to our house that was with electricity.

Because we had fabulous electricity back on and our friends did not I invited them to spend the day with us on Wednesday. I was able to wash all the soiled bedding by my children and hang out with the 7 children (all 6 and under) entertained and played well together. It was a nice being able to host our new friends and return the favor.
Today was a day of rest, cleaning, and getting back in things. School was cancelled for Noelle today, but we hung out at home. We are all still a bit tired and working on getting back to normal. It has been adventurous week and we are looking forward to relaxing this weekend!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fighting February

The February blahs have set in. No motivation, at each other's throats, and just plain blah. We have also been sick, as most households have been. Nothing serious. Some pink eye, fevers, coughs, congestion, and lots and lots of thick green mucus (tmi, but sorry that is the way it is). We seem to be on the mend as the green mucus has turned more clear and running a bit less. Yes, I just made another reference to mucus as measure of the level of sick. Again, that is the way it is with children, sickness is measured in snot.

A few weeks back we made a day trip in to Sturgis. We had fun and ate great spaghetti (Grandpa Roehrig's spaghetti is my favorite!) while catching up with the family. The children really love visiting Grandpa Roehrig's house and it makes me so happy that the kids love each side of the family equally for different reasons. It makes me giddy, for family is very important!

A big snow storm hit and we played out when the Motrin was in the system and fevers were down. Snow tunnels were dug and many smiles enjoyed. Zane was even able to venture out during one of the warmer days. Few things beat the fun children have in fresh snow!

A big even happened in Noelle's life. She lost her first tooth! Totally MAJOR!!! We noticed that her adult tooth suddenly came through and then her front tooth became very loose. She wiggled it with her tongue and refused to eat anything but soup, pudding, and very soft food. Finally it was hanging by a thread and she asked me to pull it out. Shocked, because she had been very hesitant to show us the progress of the tooth, I quickly took the opportunity. With a quick and gentle tug (it was that loose, I barely had to pull) the tooth was out. The bleeding that pursued was unsettling and she bit down on a wet paper towel and wouldn't open her mouth for hours. Once the bleeding stopped she was excited and thrilled!

Zane continues to grow very big. He is taking a few steps backward with sleeping, due to illness, but I'm not complaining as I cherish a few more times that I get to spend alone with him. He is very happy, smiling ALL the time. We just love him and I can't help but take pictures!

Violette continues to get closer to two (March 17th). The tantrums are becoming daily as words are flowing from her plump lips. She's a cutie, she's a trouble maker, and she's lovable beyond words.
Well that's all for now. I want to write more, but my bed is calling. I'm tired and I'm worn out. It's the February blahs and I'm trying to fight them but the lack of motivation is taking over. Maybe the next few weeks will be better!

Monday, February 14, 2011

An Update Will Happen...

I need to upload and update, but not tonight. Tomorrow it shall be done. We have been fighting the typical February cold. Passing it back and forth and back again, leaving me tired and unmotivated.

If I post this, I will be more motivated to update.

Happy Love Day!