Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cheers To 3 Months!

I was just holding my three month old baby (Gasp! Just writing that is heart wrenching) and soaking in all of his wonderfulness. It seems like just the other day he was held up to me over the curtain in the operating room. The growth of infants is amazing and striking. In three short months he has drastically changed.

Large, rotund, plump, all very good descriptions of Zane. His face is sporting very large, kissable cheeks, which are a routine trait around this house. His body has filled out in all the right spots giving way to mountains of rolls and dimpled joints. Writs, elbows, ankles are thick and lovely.
Calm, and easy going is our Zane. Sleeping through the night and taking the days in stride seem to be his way. At times he gets a bit fussy when I can't pick him up right away, but just a few little cries and that's about it. His entertainment are his siblings. Giggles and smiles light up his face when they are around. He is a content and happy baby.

With size and age comes strength and he is getting very strong. He loves to stand, locking his chubby legs whenever possible The clenched fists are loosening as he tries to reach for things. Coordination has not yet set in, but concentration can be seen on his face as he strives to reach for toys or our faces. We busted out the trusty exersaucer today, cleaned it, and set our fresh 3 month old in the seat. His legs began kicking and smiles started right up. He loved it. I loved that he was content for a long period of time.

I adore him, we all do. Noelle has again stepped up her sisterly roll and holds Zane like it's second nature. Violette enjoys kissing him and being near at all times, especially during diaper changes as she holds his hand and makes him smile. She loves to sit with me as I nurse him, stroking his soft head. Head, not hair, because well, Zane is still lacking in that category, still. Whatever hair that has grown is light as can be and doesn't help his bald appearance. I will always remember my first thought upon seeing him, "where is his hair?" as he had none and so little compared to the other three.

Max holds on to the anticipation of Zane getting bigger. He enthusiastically tells us stories of them playing ball together and racing their cars. It will be a complete joy seeing the boys grow closer with age.

Part of me is looking ahead to the next few months with great anticipation and joy, rolling, sitting, and crawling. The bigger part of me, doesn't want Zane to grow. I want to hold near to me his young age and drink it all in. He's my last child. He is my last baby to cherish.

I can't keep him little forever, so cheers to Zane Michael and his three months of age. May he continue to grow and flourish as he has done so far!

And because, well, four is better than, one, two, or three in our house, I end this post with this picture:

1 comment:

aunt ceecee said...

Sounds like we all missed out! those babes are so blessed to have such a wonderful mom, natalie rose. cant wait to visit soon! love ya