Friday, November 26, 2010

First Program

Tuesday evening, Noelle and Max had their first school program. It was adorable. Max was a bit out of sorts and did nothing. Really, I mean he just stood there the entire time and did nothing. He knew exactly what to do, as he had practiced it at home enthusiastically. Once he got up on stage he just looked at us. Noelle on the other hand did very well and performed the correct signs and songs very intently. The children had the opportunity to take the microphone and say what they are thankful for after their performance. Noelle was thankful for her kitty and Max for, no big surprise, Daddy!

It was an adorable little program followed by a real Thanksgiving meal for all the families to enjoy.

I have video, but I don't know how to flip it so you don't have to tilt sideways to watch. Pictures will do for now!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

How adorable! I want to see the video when we visit. I'm sure Max's stage skills were inherited from Tom!