Since this is my blog and I need a bit of an outlet, this first part is going to be about me.
Point blank: I'm not doing very well. My expectations were high for my recovery because with Violette I felt good and wasn't in too much pain this many days later. In the hospital I did follow the adage with pleasure, "the more you move the better you feel". I think may have taken it too far when I came home thinking it would make things easier.
It's day six and I can't remember a time where I have been in more pain. I should be sore, but able to function about 80% of pre-surgery ability. I'm at about 40% and still in a large amount of pain. It is so frustrating and irritating. In general, I'm tough, I can handle pain well and fight through. I continue to try to do that, but find myself just drained from being hurt. I'm sure that a lot of it has to do with the fact this is my fourth c-section in four and a half years. That can't be easy on a body. Also, I push myself and getting out of the hospital a bit early was not the best decision on my part.
Tom has been remarkable, helping with every aspect of the house and children, while taking care of me too. I do know that he is ready to go back to work for the break! It will be rough when he goes back. I will be turning the TV to children's stations a good portion of the day. For a few weeks their TV watching will be greatly increased, but I'm sure they will suffer no ill effect from it and I will benefit!
Zane is doing wonderfully! He has a few nights where he is up more than I would like and some nights where I wake up wondering if he going to wake up soon. Typical newborn!
The children are doing great and loving their new little brother. Max still hasn't held him, but loves to sing to him when he gets fussy and give him gentle kisses on head. Violette adores Zane and wants to be near him all the time, no matter what. Noelle is a pro at this whole Big Sister thing and has been very helpful with me and Zane.![](
Since this is my blog and I need a bit of an outlet, this first part is going to be about me.
Point blank: I'm not doing very well. My expectations were high for my recovery because with Violette I felt good and wasn't in too much pain this many days later. In the hospital I did follow the adage with pleasure, "the more you move the better you feel". I think may have taken it too far when I came home thinking it would make things easier.
It's day six and I can't remember a time where I have been in more pain. I should be sore, but able to function about 80% of pre-surgery ability. I'm at about 40% and still in a large amount of pain. It is so frustrating and irritating. In general, I'm tough, I can handle pain well and fight through. I continue to try to do that, but find myself just drained from being hurt. I'm sure that a lot of it has to do with the fact this is my fourth c-section in four and a half years. That can't be easy on a body. Also, I push myself and getting out of the hospital a bit early was not the best decision on my part.
Tom has been remarkable, helping with every aspect of the house and children, while taking care of me too. I do know that he is ready to go back to work for the break! It will be rough when he goes back. I will be turning the TV to children's stations a good portion of the day. For a few weeks their TV watching will be greatly increased, but I'm sure they will suffer no ill effect from it and I will benefit!
Zane is doing wonderfully! He has a few nights where he is up more than I would like and some nights where I wake up wondering if he going to wake up soon. Typical newborn!
We celebrated my birthday with some delicious cake and had a really wonderful time visiting. It's too bad they live so far away and hard to say goodbye.
Sunday, I turned 27. The kids colored a ton of pictures for me and wrapped up multiple gifts. It's so adorable how they get excited about doing little things for me. Even though I was still fighting pain, it was a great birthday and I loved celebrating my first birthday as a mother of 4 with my wonderful family.
I'm hoping the rest of the week continues on with each day lending itself to me feeling better.
oh my gosh i love the pics of mom n dad with zane!! and the pictures the kids colored for you! too cute! you are a very blessed mother natalie rose<3
I'm sorry to hear you're in so much pain, but glad to hear "Super Mom" admit that even she struggles. I'm here if you need to vent. Just call. You are an amazing mother and many people want to support you and help. Just take them up on it. Zane is adorable!
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