Monday, March 1, 2010

Potty Training Sort Of

Violette is almost a year old, that means I have had almost a year of two children in diapers. Not the most ideal situation for any Mom. Max has been very ready for potty training but citing that he is lazy and just wants to pee in his diaper. This weekend we decided to see what he could do with the use of a little toilet. After much fighting and telling him that it is not okay to pee on his sisters, he actually used the potty most of the day. He was very proud and I'm hoping that encouraging him a little bit every day will result in a fully potty trained child soon enough.

The biggest problem is that he doesn't want to wear underwear or a pullup. It's naked butt, or diaper. I guess a cute little naked butt running around isn't the worst. Although it is very tempting for Violette to, um, explore and chase after Max's different parts and that presents a new challenge all in itself. Children just can't leave each other alone! Violette did discover a new use for Max's discarded underwear - a hat! She has found a new love for trying to put clothes on, usually any clothing item is immediately put on her head, but she's trying!
This weekend we received a wonderful package from Great Grandma. Noelle loved her new clothes and decided that summer needs to get here very quickly so she can wear her new outfits. Trying on clothing is such fun for her and it brings bright smiles to our faces as she hides while putting the outfits on then jumps out posing and strutting her stuff.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Good luck with the potty training. I'm happy I don't have to deal with little ones grabbing siblings anatomy. Too funny!