Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kind Of Sick Week

It has been a slow week. The kids, and Tom, have all been kind of sick. Nothing serious, just some random virus that has hit everyone in a different way. Today was the first day that Max was getting back to his old self. Tantrums were down and smiles were up. Violette has the fever now with lots of stuffiness. She just wants to be held, and to be honest, I'm not complaining. With the three children any one on one snuggle time I get with them is treasured. Here are some pictures when the kids were smiling and having fun this week.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hanging With The Feyes Family

Our good friends, that live too far away, came to visit with us on Sunday. Andy coaches swimming and had a meet in Adrian. It worked out that Amanda and the girls, who are so close in age to our girls, stayed at the house and Andy went off to coach. Our nieces, Tessa and Chloe Roehrig were also in town for the swim meet. Violette and I went to see them swim. It was wonderful being able to watch them and spend some time with our relatives. The girls did great and are very good in the water!

Noelle and Olivia got along well, having fun in the new play area of our basement. Mia and Violette are a bit too young to play together, but they played around each other. Mia is walking all over the place, and thankfully Violette didn't pick up much from her! Max and Noelle were completely smitten with Mia, calling her the most beautiful baby in the world. Noelle continued on to point out that Violette had a big nose, like Dad, and Mia had a beautiful small nose. Poor Violette just isn't appreciated by her siblings!

As always, we had a great time and can't wait to get together again.

Max isn't in any pictures because he has been very cranky since the beginning of last week. He isn't really sick, but he just isn't himself. Daily, scratch that, HOURLY screaming fits have become the normal and nothing seems to please him. He is always, as I frequently point out, difficult, but this is more and I can tell he just isn't himself. Tom came down Sunday night with something, either virus or food poisoning, that left him a slave to the Toilet Gods for most of Sunday night and Monday. Maybe Max has a lighter version of the same virus that Tom picked up? Who knows. I do know that my little boy is not Max, but has taken on a demon persona and we all hope he returns soon.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Specs

Today we ran to pick up Noelle's new glasses. After the drama of having to pick out "baby" glasses she was not looking forward to the new glasses at all. When the lady showed them to her, the appeal of a pink/purple metal frame brought a bright smile to her face. She put them on and loved them immediately. The prescription was changed so complaining about her vision went on for awhile. When we got home she was checking herself out in the mirror and kept saying, "I look so beautiful, like a perfect princess". She then took off her glasses and exclaimed, "I look beautiful with my glasses off too. I'm so lucky to be this beautiful." I love how she is confident in her glasses and I sincerely hope that it stays that way during her school years. Now if only I could get a smile out of her that wasn't so forced and silly looking!

Room For Visitors

We have more room now for visitors! On Saturday we had some friends over that had helped Tom with the trim. They have three children similar ages and with so much more room around the children had a blast taking all the toys out and playing together. I made a successful dinner (cooking is not something I have a ton of confidence in and whenever I make dinner I'm always afraid of poising our guests! hahaha!) and we enjoyed some wonderful adult conversation as the children played.

Tuesday, my friend Stacy and her two children Jacob (3) and Kelana (2) came to spend the night and keep us company. Max came down with a mild fever and was very irritable and out of commission for the most part. Violette was smiley and sweet as ever and Noelle bossed them around. Take note of the pictures that Violette is in. She is usually the only one looking at the camera AND giving a great smile. She is such a little ham!!

When it was time to leave my children were very sad to see them all go. We will meet up again soon!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Basement Is Finally Done!

Two and a half years, and two children later our basement is finally finished. Tom did an incredible job and it looks nothing like a basement, but another room in the house. We have been spending almost all of our time down there. The kids love having to room to run and spread out their toys. It has improved our daily life greatly. We are not all right on top of each other so fighting between children and I has dramatically decreased. A major plus! Here is a picture before we moved all the toys down. We are still in the process of putting up shelves and organizing toys.

We now again have an official guest room. I can't wait to have family and friends spend the night!

The kids are finding toys they haven't seen in months, discovering new games, and letting their imaginations run free.

And here are a few pictures of Violette because she is so darn cute and loves to smile for the camera, no matter what! She is picking up baby sign and can point out nose, mouth, and ears when asked.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

First Snow

We finally got snow! A real amount that covers the grass. After dinner we suited and headed out. The children were ecstatic and couldn't wait to help Daddy with their very own new shovels. Violette crawled around and seemed to like her first snow experience. She did get a nice face plant while I was pulling her and Max on the sled. After a quick cry and wipe down she was good to go for a little while longer. Tomorrow I'll take the kids out for some sledding, but at least they got to enjoy the snow for a bit tonight.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Appointments All Around

We have had three well child visits and a pediatric ophthalmologist appointment in the last few weeks. Doctor's appointments are kind of fun for us because it is usually the only outing of the week and it breaks up our weeks.

Violette is doing well and growing lots. She grew a few inches and is starting to thin out a bit, as she gained less than a pound. She know says three words, the typical Mama and Dada and directs towards us (this has been for awhile I don't have exact dates b/c I don't believe things are true first words) and doggie. Noelle and Max are doing great too. Noelle had to get some shots, but handled them like a champ despite the week long begging for them not to happen. Max didn't need shots, thankfully. During his exam the doctor was feeling his stomach and Max screamed, "Don't you touch my belly like that!". The doctor responded with, "I'm so glad he doesn't need shots today!". Typical Max, putting a challenge to everything. Max is very tall for his age and in the 25th percentile for weight. Noelle was up in the 75th percentile for height and the 5th percentile for weight. It's always nice to know the children are doing well.

Today was Noelle's eye appointment. It was a long one and Tom decided to stay at home with Max and Violette so I could concentrate on Noelle. It was the longest time away from Violette for me. She still refuses to take a bottle and I was hoping that me being away she would be forced to take one. She didn't, in fact, she tried to nurse Tom! Crawling up and down the hallway saying, "Mama, Mama!" and searching for me in my room was how she handled it.

Noelle did wonderfully. She even insisted on sitting in the chair by herself (she is usually very shy and very cowardly when it comes to things like this) without the aid of her night-nights or Special Puppy. I was shocked. The doctors were amazed at the extreme amount her eye crosses inward when her glasses were off. We even had three doctors check it out because they couldn't believe it. Luckily, glasses correct it with ease. There was a slight change in prescription so we headed off to pick out some glasses. Noelle was so excited to pick out her own frames and we dived in to the big selection. Princess glasses, sparkly glasses, pink, purple, girly extremes and she was so excited. We quickly realized Noelle was too petite for youth glasses and after a quick measurement we were told only the infant glasses would fit. Noelle was so upset not wanting to wear baby glasses. I finally picked out a pair and we will get them in two to three weeks. At the time Noelle just stood there with her arms crosses complaining about her dilated eyes and the way she couldn't see and how she refused to try on baby glasses. I hope she likes her glasses when they come in. Similar to the ones she has, although they are a pink/purple color and are not round, but more square. I'll post pictures when they come in.

Besides appointments we have been diligently working on our basement. Carpet is being put in tomorrow morning (I can hardly contain myself!) and then this weekend we will be moving furniture and organizing toys. As boring as that sounds I am so excited about it!