Monday, September 28, 2009

Visiting Zbytowski's and Big Boy Underwear

Having missed Kelana Zbytowski's second birthday party due to our illness, we decided Saturday would be a good day to go visit. The Zbytowski's (Eric, Stacy, Jacob, and Kelana) live in Caro, which is about a 2 1/2 hour drive North. Heading north we missed all of the insane traffic from the football game that was heading South, and vice versa on the way home. An evil smile starts to spread across my face as I drive 80 mph past miles and miles of slow moving or stopped cars.

Anyways, we made good time and spent about 5 hours visiting. The kids had a great time and played well with each other. Max was, wow big surprise, a daddy's boy and didn't play much with anyone. He just wanted to be around Daddy. Jacob and Kelana love Violette and affectionately refer to all babies they see as "Baby Vi".
Noelle headed out on her own and enjoyed the downstairs playroom. Tom and I were surprised and quickly realized how beneficial it would be for us to have the basement done. There will me many-a-moments where I will say, in an exasperated state, "Go play by yourselves" and they actually can and will and won't be right on top of me!! Ahhhh, what a great thought!

Sunday we bought Maximilian some underwear. We are not in full potty training mode, per se, but more of an introductory period. If Max wants to wear underwear I'll encourage him and then if he wants to put his diaper back on that is fine. When he turns 2 then we will take one weekend, like we did with Noelle, and no more diapers will be used. He was so excited and seems to really enjoy being a "big guy". Noelle loves encouraging her little bro and her excitment helps get him in the mood. My little boy is growing up way too fast!!
Today I took Violette in for her sixth month well baby visit. She is doing great weighing 18 lbs. 9 oz. (90th percentile) and 26 3/4 inches long (75th percentile). She has grown 9 inches since birth and gained 13 pounds! We ended up being at the doctor, because they were running behind, for just over two hours! That was frustrating but the kids did remarkably well and kept themselves entertained by reading books to each other and to Violette. Violette received three shots and just cried for a second until I picked her up and then she immediately stopped, it was no big deal. The next doctor appointment will be when she is nine months and at the same time Noelle with have her 4 year and Max's 2 year well baby check ups. All three will receive shots and that will be an interesting appointment!
(As I post pictures you will notice a lot of them with Noelle and Violette wearing their purple shirts and rainbow pants. Noelle LOVES matching with Violette and since this is their only matching outfit, so far, they wear it a lot!)


Amanda said...

How fun! I love reading and seeing how your children are growing up and developing such adorable personalities. Way to go big boy Max! What size will Vi and Noelle be in around Christmas time? Maybe we'll have to help add another matching outfit to their wardrobe.

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