Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

(I've seen this done on other blogs and I thought I would start doing it too!)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Visiting Zbytowski's and Big Boy Underwear

Having missed Kelana Zbytowski's second birthday party due to our illness, we decided Saturday would be a good day to go visit. The Zbytowski's (Eric, Stacy, Jacob, and Kelana) live in Caro, which is about a 2 1/2 hour drive North. Heading north we missed all of the insane traffic from the football game that was heading South, and vice versa on the way home. An evil smile starts to spread across my face as I drive 80 mph past miles and miles of slow moving or stopped cars.

Anyways, we made good time and spent about 5 hours visiting. The kids had a great time and played well with each other. Max was, wow big surprise, a daddy's boy and didn't play much with anyone. He just wanted to be around Daddy. Jacob and Kelana love Violette and affectionately refer to all babies they see as "Baby Vi".
Noelle headed out on her own and enjoyed the downstairs playroom. Tom and I were surprised and quickly realized how beneficial it would be for us to have the basement done. There will me many-a-moments where I will say, in an exasperated state, "Go play by yourselves" and they actually can and will and won't be right on top of me!! Ahhhh, what a great thought!

Sunday we bought Maximilian some underwear. We are not in full potty training mode, per se, but more of an introductory period. If Max wants to wear underwear I'll encourage him and then if he wants to put his diaper back on that is fine. When he turns 2 then we will take one weekend, like we did with Noelle, and no more diapers will be used. He was so excited and seems to really enjoy being a "big guy". Noelle loves encouraging her little bro and her excitment helps get him in the mood. My little boy is growing up way too fast!!
Today I took Violette in for her sixth month well baby visit. She is doing great weighing 18 lbs. 9 oz. (90th percentile) and 26 3/4 inches long (75th percentile). She has grown 9 inches since birth and gained 13 pounds! We ended up being at the doctor, because they were running behind, for just over two hours! That was frustrating but the kids did remarkably well and kept themselves entertained by reading books to each other and to Violette. Violette received three shots and just cried for a second until I picked her up and then she immediately stopped, it was no big deal. The next doctor appointment will be when she is nine months and at the same time Noelle with have her 4 year and Max's 2 year well baby check ups. All three will receive shots and that will be an interesting appointment!
(As I post pictures you will notice a lot of them with Noelle and Violette wearing their purple shirts and rainbow pants. Noelle LOVES matching with Violette and since this is their only matching outfit, so far, they wear it a lot!)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Half A Year...Holy Cow!

That's right, Violette is now six months old! I can't believe time has flown by and my little 5lb 9oz St. Paddy's Day Baby has grown into a smiley chubs! She is an absolute joy, when we are paying complete attention to her. The moment I walk away the tears begin to flow.
She has now added pureed bananas and sweet potatoes to her repertoire of foods. She does not do well with eating and probably only swallows a small amount. We keep plugging away and I know she'll start to get the hang of actually eating the food and not just tongue thrusting it out of her mouth and spreading it all over. She can successfully drink out of a cup, but refuses to drink milk out of anything but the tap (me!).
As far as crawling goes, I believe it will be awhile. That is fine by me because I am kept busy enough chasing around The Beast, Max. Her favorite thing to do is sit and she will do anything she can to get back to her sitting position. Those once baby blues are now gray. Not brown, not blue, not green, a solid gray. I'm not sure if they will stay that way, but since she is now six months I assume her eye color won't change much. She has the wonderful Roehrig eyelashes that seem to go on for miles. They are dark, thick and gorgeous, just like Noelle and Max.
Today we took her to get her ears pierced. Noelle helped pick out some cute little purple (of course) earrings and held her hand during the piercing. She cried for a very short while, less than when she gets shots, and is not bothered by them at all. They look adorable and my initial concern with Max pulling on them has flown out the window. He lovingly looks at them and says, "so pretty". Violette then reaches out with her little chubby hands and grabs his face to pull in for a kiss. Well, she really just wants to mouth his nose, but to avoid negative reaction from Max we tell him that she wants a kiss.

In conclusion, Violette is a wonderful addition and we all look forward to the next six months and beyond with her. She melts right into our family and life seems to be settling in with the three children easily. Some days are long and filled with many tears, but we wouldn't trade it for anything!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Perfect Zoo Day

That "mild" virus I mentioned in my last post was not as mild as I lead on. We continue to be suffering at the Roehrig Residence. Everyday this weekend someone and usually more than one child had a fever and was out of commission. Each child is now very stuffed up with Violette and Noelle contracting a cough. Tom and I tried to stay busy while nursing those who were not feeling well. The days were long and uneventful for the most part as the children kept us entertained.

Max has become our little clown, making us laugh at every turn. He is such a daddy's boy these days even though he is more like me. His favorite phrase is "No Mommy!". Even when Tom takes away something he isn't supposed to have, he immediately seeks me out and says, "No Mommy!" even though I had nothing to do with the punishment. I would ask for a kiss and he would run to Tom and say, "No Mommy, Max kiss Daddy". He does have a sweet side, calling Violette "cutie" all the time and giving her toys to play with. When she is crying he says, "I know, I know, Violette" copying exactly what I say to her. While Noelle was put in time out Max poked his head around the corner, pointed his little finger at her and said in a stern voice, "Noelle stay in time out two minutes!". We refer to him from time to time as a Bossy Boiler (a reference from Thomas The Tank Engine) and he will boss us to "call Max Bossy Boiler". Another funny thing that made me laugh uncontrollably happened during a diaper change. I let Max get up and run around, um, free. He looks down to, I assume, check out his "stuff". While bending down his t-shirt covered things up and he says in a shocked voice, "Where my penis? It's gone." I lift up his shirt and exclaims, "there he is" and a HUGE smile appears on his face!

We added two new fish to the household this past week. Noelle had a black goldfish with eyes that were very large. She appropriately named him Googly Eyed Head! Max named his little fish, Nemo, as that movie is their current favorite. Both fish soon died. Max's was first to bite the gravel. I didn't bring attention to the death, but Noelle pointed it out and ran over to Max and brightly said, "Sorry bud Nemo died. Look at him, he's dead". Her fish died the next day and she wasn't upset at it. She told me "That's okay. The garbage truck will just eat Googly Eyed Head and Daddy will buy me a new fish." We only have one fish now, Max's new one, named Shark Bait (another name from Finding Nemo). Max commands, "I feed Shark Bait now!" multiple times a day. Of course if we don't let him then he throws himself into a major tantrum!

Tuesday we decided it was time to get out, even though the children were not 100%. It was pouring down rain at our house, but the radar showed the rain missing Toledo. So we packed up and headed out after a quick lunch. The zoo was deserted, thus the title "The Perfect Zoo Day". I have been, on multiple occasions, at the zoo during the week and I have never seen it so barren. The rain held off and the sun even decided to shine down upon us for awhile. It was wonderful for us to enjoy as a family. Of course we did not visit every exhibit, but we did explore a good portion, and spent some time in the new children's zoo, Nature's Neighborhood. It truly was the perfect zoo day!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Virus, Virus, Go Away, Come Again...NEVER!

For about a week now we have been fighting a mild sickness. Max has been the first victim, having a high fever for a few days last week, then it migrated into a cold. Now Noelle and Violette have it and I have a pretty painful sore throat.

Our little Tasmanian Devil (Max, of course) is even more troublesome when he is sick. A few days all he wanted was to be held, which is a wonderful thing except for the other two children. Nights were ridiculously difficult, depriving me of many hours of sleep. He is like a little Drama King. Any snot that was built up in his nose would not allow him to sleep and he would whine and complain about it. His very loud self would then wake up the sleeping girls and I would have three crying children, while the Husband slept through it all! Max loves Jingle Bells and I think I have literally sung that song about 450 times over the past week. Whenever he was upset and before all naps and bedtime we have to sing it to him. He says, "Sing Jingle Bells in bed" and we climb into his bed. If we don't lay on his pillow his meat hooks reach out and roughly grab our faces as he orders, "lay down, sing Jingle Bells". This morning sickness struck Noelle. She came in to my room saying she couldn't stop shivering. I picked her up and could feel the heat radiating from her little body. She spent the day on the couch, napping a record three times and asking to go to bed at 7pm. She is so pitiful and completely wiped out. Whatever virus we have, it sure does a number on it's inhabitants.
Having nothing to do with sickness, Max has started to order me around when it comes to matters of my hair. I keep trying to wear it quickly up during these sick days. He starts to cry and YELLS at me, "put hair down now!" and "Hair down Mommy!". I have no idea why he doesn't like my hair up, but it really bothers him. He's a strange little Dude!

A few days ago I started some rice cereal with Violette. Like all babies, it is a new and different thing and she is learning how to swallow and eat it. Noelle was beyond excited to help feed her. Max had to rip the spoon out of my grasp and try this new concoction for himself. He immediately started scrapping his tongue and shouting, "Yucky rice cereal. Max need drink now!". Serves him right for being a beast! I will continue to give Violette the cereal once a day and then start to introduce some fruits and vegetables over the next few weeks. After making baby food for Max, and enjoying it, I will again try my hand at it. Noelle and Max will be helping me every step of the way, as they are my little tag-a-long helpers!
This Holiday weekend we had planned on visiting my friend Stacy on Saturday, but will be grounded due to illness. Tom is taking off Tuesday and we hope to make a trip to the Toledo Zoo if we are all feeling better. The beautiful weekend weather may have to be enjoyed while we all lay around inside. Hopefully Noelle and Violette start to feel better soon.

I will leave you with a few pictures of Violette and Zeus. It was a very amusing and adorable interaction! We are very fortunate that he is so patient and understanding with the children.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Granpa Roehrig Comin' to Town

Saturday we spent the day with Granpa Roehrig. We love when he visits because we are able to stay at home and enjoy the company of family. The kids love his visits as well. Max talks about Gampa Rogig for days before each visit. We tell Noelle that Grandpa Roehrig is Tom's dad, and she definitely seems to grasp the concept. Books are a favorite in our house, and Grandpa always helps replenish the bookcase.

We ventured out to get some ice cream and tried out a park in the area. Of course I didn't bring my camera but some great pictures would have been yielded. We were the only ones there, which made Noelle ecstatic, and it was a great find in the park category. The park had a merry-go-round, which seems to be an endangered playground staple due to the lawsuits prevalent these days. The kids loved going around, and Tom even went around very fast on it, much to the amusement of the little ones. There were playhouses, teeter totters, swings, and a lot of other fun things that kept the kids amused. Noelle had to go to the bathroom, but she was scared of the restrooms for some reason, and said she would just hold it (which she did).

Noelle wanted "Special Puppy," to be included in the above picture. We are planning on making a trip to Sturgis in the next few weeks to visit the Roehrig clan, and definitely look forward to it.