Saturday, August 15, 2009


Tired, tired, tired. That is what I have been feeling these days. Max is going through, um, something. He has been getting up multiple times during the night, screaming and throwing major tantrums for some reason. He claims, "back hurt, teeth hurt, neck hurt, legs hurt", everything is causes him pain as he cries out. I'm thinking that either growing pains (I have no idea if that is even something a 19 month old feels) and his last four teeth coming in are causing him the agony. Whatever it is he is up from midnight until about 5am almost every night this week. Nothing calms him down. It fits right in with his very difficult personality.

Because Max is extremely loud during the night and early in the morning, Noelle has been getting less sleep. She does not nap on a normal day, but has been begging me to nap. One day this week I let her lay on the couch, expecting her to stay in that position for a short while, but she fell asleep. I talked on the phone right next to her, played with Violette and did some chores. Thinking this would wake her up. She was just too tired and slept right through everything. She is precious while sleeping!

We have been trying to get Violette to take a bottle to allow us a little more freedom. She wants nothing to do with it. She can't figure out how to suck on the nipple and just screams her little head off. It goes right along with her hatred for a pacifier, the foreign objects have nothing on Mama!
We made a quick trip to Cabela's this week for something different. Max loved the aquarium, shrieking with delight at the fish. He is such an independent little man, wanting nothing to do with the stroller. Left to walk on his own he has no care of where we are. He wanders off not caring where we are. Noelle, being a very attentive big sister, yells out, "Get back here Max" and "Mommy you better get your son!". She gets very worried about him to the point of tears starting to flow.

This weekend we are heading up to Traverse City. Unable to go on the cruise, I have not seen my family since May, so it will be great spending some time with them. Tom and I are planning on going out to lunch on Saturday, some much needed alone time that we are both looking forward to very much! Have a great week!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Sorry to hear you are still having such a rough time with Max. Hopefully he'll out grow this stage soon, and sleep can resume in your household. We're battling the refusal of the bottle in our household too. Wish I could give you some suggestions, but I'm at a loss too. Have fun in T.C.