Tuesday, July 14, 2009

St. Clair

Last Wednesday we went on a day trip to St. Clair to visit Great Granma and Granpa Babcock along with some Great Aunts. The ride went well, I feel very lucky that all the children travel with ease. Noelle couldn't wait to see Great Granma and Granpa. All year long they send wonderful packages filled with many clothes and presents for the children which bring many smiles to their faces.

When we arrived Noelle and Max made themselves at home and explored the condo. The condo is right on the St. Clair River. The boats and sparkling water (Noelle was quick to point out how the sun sparkled on the water which looked like glitter and it brought a big smile to her face. Little girls and glitter, what could be better?) was very exciting for them. Great Granma and Granpa had tons of gifts for the children and they dove right in enjoying everything.

I wish I would have taken a lot of pictures but I only took two :( Chasing around Max, trying to keep him from destroying things just took up too much time!

Because three children tend to be a bit overwhelming we didn't want to over stay our welcome so we headed over to my Aunt Judy's house just a few miles away. The kids enjoyed playing with my cousins and Aunt. Again I failed to take pictures. The children were tired out and we started the journey back home around 4pm.

It was a wonderful visit. I absolutely love spending time with my Grandparents and showing off my children! Some of my greatest memories of childhood include my Grandparents. Shopping trips with Granma, learning to drive the golf cart with Granpa, visiting Florida every year, the list goes on and on!

Tom and Noelle leave for Alaska (thank you again Granma and Granpa for this third fabulous Alaskan cruise!) Saturday morning and we have begun our packing and gathering of things. Noelle is over-the-moon excited. She can't stop talking about the different adventures she will encounter. I have cried a lot (not around) when thinking about being away from her, but I know she will be the center of attention and will have the time of her life.

That's all for now!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

It's nice you got to go spend some time with all of your family since you won't be on the cruise with them. Noelle will carry you with her in her heart!