Friday, June 26, 2009

Slow Week

The title explains it all. It's been very slow around here. Today the children wanted a Happy Meal (one may think by "children" I mean Noelle, but Max is very talkative and opinionated these days. He is taking after his sister) so I took them out. This was our only trip out since picking up breakfast for Tom on Father's Day. Those two trips to get fast food are our only times out of the house in two weeks! Wow, that is sad, but we have nothing much to do, so that is life and to be frank, that is fine by me.

We did spend most of the week outside, when it was not stifling hot. The children love playing in the water, and are doing so as I write this post. On ridiculously hot days we stayed inside and played everything under the sun (or roof). Here are some pictures from the last few days. Noelle is big into me taking pictures of her doing things like jumping and twirling, as seen in these pictures:

The other day while disciplining Max, I was losing my temper a bit and Noelle says to me, "I can be a better Mom than you. You have to be patient and understanding with Max to get the best results." I am not kidding you! She picks up everything!

The children were up very early, before Tom left for work, and Tom said to Noelle, "If you are good today Mom will get out the p-o-o-l." Noelle knows how to spell this but without missing a beat Max says, "Pool, water".

While putting on makeup with Noelle in the bathroom I blurt out, "this heartburn is killing me". Noelle gets a very sullen look on her face and says, "Mommy don't die, I need you forever and ever." She gives me a big hug and puts her hand over my heart, "I want your heart to be better with my touch". I literally started crying.

Noelle could not open doors until she was past 2. Max has mastered this task and gets out of bed about 10 times before each nap and bedtime. He is exhausting, but so darn cute!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Family Father's Day

For Tom and I nothing is better than spending time as a family. This Father's Day we did just that. The weather was gorgeous and we spent the day playing outside and enjoying the children. Max was up at 6am Sunday and was not going back to sleep. I let Tom sleep in and spent some one on one time with Max. Because he is extremely loud, Noelle was soon up. We decorated cards and then headed out to pick up some breakfast. After a yummy breakfast Tom opened his gifts that the children picked out for him. Noelle, and Max, were apart of every gift decision. Noelle insisted on some "daddy perfume" and picked out a great scent. We also got him a new bathing suit to wear on the Alaskan cruise and a few other things. It brings me great joy to watch the excitement that forms on the children's faces when giving a gift they picked out.
The nice weather meant we got out the sprinkler and little pool for the children. They had such a ball and it was a fight to get them back inside.

3 Magical Months

Miss Violette Adelle turned three months on June 17th. She has grown by leaps and bounds in these past three months. Her gummy smiles are now abundant and free flowing, especially towards her loving (I use this term loosely) siblings. She is sleeping very well, through the night and is awake a lot during the day. Chubby is her middle name, filling out her clothes and allowing us ample rolls to admire.
Her personality seems to fit right in with the rest of them. Demanding with a twist of sweetness. When she wants to be held, she wants to be held and she will scream her little head off until I pick her up, then all is quite and an instant smile appears. She has adapted the "it's my way or the highway" attitude that mirrors Noelle and Max, and I wouldn't have it any other way! I love the challenge, it keeps me on my toes.
Violette does not like her pacifiers. Noelle and Max loved it, and Max still does. I keep trying to shove it in her mouth but she gnaws on it for a moment and out if falls and she could care less. I guess that will mean I will not have to wean her off of it, but at the same time it's a nice comfort for babies to have. We have noticed that she loves to suck on her fist. Her chubby little hands always smell of sweet (well, not really) baby saliva.
Her baby blue eyes seem to be fading to brown or hazel. Some days they look very blue then other days we stare at them and are not sure what is going to happen. I'm still holding onto the hope of blue eyes, but Noelle and Max are still pretty cute with their brown eyes. She did inherit Tom's insanely long eye lashes. They are dark and thick and very long. We are very blessed to have her apart of the family. She is a perfect fit.

Monday, June 15, 2009

3 out of 3

Nothing too serious, but sickness has settled upon our house. Fevers and much congestion has hit all of them. It started with Max mid week and then by Saturday had spread. Max has become very dramatic like Noelle so it has made our lives very challenging. We spent the weekend couped up inside trying to take it easy and get the children better. When they weren't whining and crying this is what they were doing:
They are still sick today, but the fevers seem to be gone for the most part. Although the weather is beautiful we will be staying inside, but maybe tomorrow we can head out. Here are some more pictures pre-sickness from this week:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Tom and I were blessed this weekend as we became Godparents to Mia Margret Feyes. We headed in to Sturgis for the baptism Saturday.

We arrived a little after Noon so that the children could play for a few hours before the Baptism Mass. We headed to a park at the school were Amanda works. The kids all had a really great time. Noelle is very cautious whereas Olivia is a little daredevil! I need to take Noelle to playgrounds more often so she is not scared to climb steps and will gain more confidence in herself.

During Mass all five children, age three and under, did exceptionally well. We were seated in the front pew as the Baptism was preformed during the Mass. Max had to be taken out a few times to release some energy, but it was short lived and he returned fairly well behaved. Afterward we went over to Mr. and Mrs. Feyes's house (Andy's parents) for a wonderful reception. By 8:30pm we packed up the car and drove home. It was a really great day and we feel very fortunate to be Mia's Godparents!

Max did not nap the entire day! Surprisingly, he was not that irritable but before we even exited the town he was passed out in his car seat with his night-night draped over his little head! Noelle fell asleep shortly after and it was a pleasant ride home.

Monday, June 1, 2009

First Zoo Trip

On Saturday we headed out early to the Toledo Zoo. The kids slept in, of course. If we need to get on the road in a timely fashion, they always sleep in. If we have nothing but a relaxing day at home, they get up at the crack of dawn. It worked out well, though, as we were all out the door at about the time we wanted. Our good friends the Feyes' were in Toledo at a water park overnight, so we took advantage and met up at 10 am. The kids were very excited and a lot of fun was had. Noelle and her friend Olivia held hands throughout, little dude Max was somewhat quiet as he took everything in, and Violette and the Feyes' little one Mia were mostly quiet. Violette was a bit fussy at the beginning, but she calmed down as the day went on. We sat down for lunch in between all of the animal watching, and it was a great time overall. This coming weekend we are going to see the Feyes' again as Mia is getting baptized and we are blessed enough to be the Godparents. Here are some pictures of the wonderful day.