Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Bliss

Another week has gone by. Tomorrow Violette will be four weeks old! She is awake a lot more during the day. Newborn clothes are now fitting her and she is not drowning in them. Her little baby blue eyes seem to be staying blue. Noelle refers to her as "creepy face" because, well, she tends to have very creepy newborn faces! Hopefully this nickname does not continue as she becomes less alien like and more human like over the next few months! Man, I am so kind to my babies.

Someday this past week (I can't remember which day exactly) Noelle and I dyed some eggs. Thanks to a good friend of mine who provided us with a silk dying kit, the eggs turned out fabulous and they were so easy! Max was very interested in smashing them, note the little hand sneaking in the picture below!
Saturday evening, with the children fast asleep, Easter Bunny Daddy began to put together Noelle's present of a bike. Well, the bike did not exactly have parts that fit together properly. So, at 10:30pm I made a run to the store to exchange the broken bike. Needless to say it was a late night! In the morning Noelle was very excited about the massive amounts of candy and her new bike. Max loved the candy and his gifts as well. The real meaning of Easter was not lost on Noelle as we had discussed it for weeks in advance.

Here is a picture of Noelle preforming surgery on Daddy with Max's new saw. Obviously, stories of my c-section were not lost on her!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Tom should have the next baby and Dr. Noelle can perform the c-section. It looks like Easter was a success at your house despite having family around.