Monday, April 20, 2009

An Actual Busy Week

They are few and far between but this week was actually fairly busy. On Tuesday the Mitzel's visited with us. The girls seemed to enjoy each other's company and had minimal arguments. Having some three-legged races kept them busy for awhile and encouraged team work and coordination for them. Karen and I enjoyed chatting with each other, both of us looking forward to the warmer weather when we can send the monsters outside to play while we sip margaritas on the porch. Well, that's my little wish for the summer!

On Thursday, Violette turned one month old! She is holding on to her blue eyes and seems to be getting bigger. Her personality is still somewhat hidden, but I can tell she is going to be a child that demands attention just like the other two. Vi is my poop shooter. I have been pooped on more by her, during diaper changes, than by Noelle and Max combined. We view her as kind of a little Noelle clone. They are very much alike in features, although she has blue eyes and a little bit bigger lips. She has not yet started to socially smile, I have come across a few that may have been directed at me, but I'm not positive. When she is crying Max enjoys jumping up next to her and attempts to pick her up to comfort her. The ending result is not a good one, but thankfully I never leave the two alone in a room so he hasn't actually caused any harm. Violette has started to sleep for, on average, a five to five and a half hour stretch at night. This seems semi consistent and I'm not complaining!
Beautiful, warm, sunny weather descended upon on Friday. We headed over to the Mitzel's house to enjoy some good company and food. The children played outside the entire time, running and delighting in the warm weather. It was a lovely time that thoroughly tired out the children, always a big plus!

Saturday Tom was heading to the Red Wings game. He invited Andy, a good friend, to come along with him to the game. Not wanting to be left alone I made sure Andy's wife, Amanda, came along. She brought her little girl, Mia, who is exactly two weeks younger than Violette. Olivia, their little one that is Noelle's age, was unable to come. It was wonderful having another Mom to help me out, chat with, and make the time sans our husbands go by quicker. Meaning to get a picture of Vi and Mia together, we failed to remember until late Saturday night. We gave it one attempt and only Mia was truly awake. Mia has a gorgeous head of hair and Violette is seriously lacking, as seen in the picture! Sadly, Violette has the most hair out of the three of ours!

They left early Sunday morning, needing to get back to their much missed Olivia. It was really nice having company and we all look forward to our next visit with them. It will be great to see Mia and Violette grow up together. Hopefully they will be best buds!

The rest of Sunday this is what we did:

Relax. I'm pretty sure there is some room left for another little one in Tom's arms!

Now, two kid stories:

Standing directly behind Zeus, staring at his backside, Max crinkles his face and exclaims, "Ewwww!".

Trying to discipline Noelle she says to me, "That's child abuse. Don't child abuse me." Hopefully, that doesn't come out while out in public.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

We had a wonderful time! Thank you so much for putting up with us. Mia misses Violette already!