Thursday, November 13, 2008

Baby R3

Today I went in for an hour long routine anatomy ultrasound. I have been feeling his/her little kicks for awhile now and it was incredible to feel the kicks while watching them happen on the screen.

Unfortunately, Baby R3 is very stubborn and again would not let him/her self be known to us. He/she kept his/her gender hidden from our view. There wasn't even a glimpse of between the legs. I guess I will have to wait until December 3rd at my next OB appointment to hopefully find out.

The technician gave us horrible pictures. I wish we could make them out, but the baby looks like an upside down, inside out alien! We were hoping for some nice head shots that we saw on the screen, but were given two very disappointing photos. I guess pleasing the parents with fantastic photos of their in utero baby is not high on their priority list!


the observer said...

I hope this one is easier post-partum than in utero! Strong-willed, eh? We shall see! The recent pictures of Noelle and Max are great! I loved the street hockey action shot and the one where they are wearing their pumpkin shirts. Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Write another post!!!! i want to hear more stories of my amazing neice and nephew