Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Swollen Feet and 7 Months

It was an early morning for us all. Noelle came into my room complaining that her foot was hurting and it was hard to walk. I slowly got out of bed, figuring it was another fabricated boo-boo. Once I had my glasses on and picked her up I saw that she did have something going on. Her foot was hot to the touch, red, and massively swollen. I could see where something had bit her. This isn't the first time she has had such a strong reaction to a lowly bug bite. I decided to call the doctor once they opened and get her an appointment today. (The pictures below does not do the reality justice)

Her shoe did not fit onto her foot. That meant I had her in one arm and Max in the other. Trekking through the parking lot trying not to let either child slip down my hips and holding three night-nights, a diaper bag and one stuffed animal was such a joy! Noelle is a bit of a drama queen (I have NO idea where she gets that from) so there was a lot of complaining about the pain she was in. After a longer wait than I would have liked we were finally seen by the doctor. She asked Noelle if it hurt and Noelle responded with, "yes, two thousand hurts." That is a lot of hurt!

It's never good when the doctor says she never seen such swelling in a foot from a bug bite! Her foot is so tight there isn't much room left for any more swelling. The doctor prescribed some steroids and told me to keep her off of it and it should get better in a few days. The good news, and what I had feared, is that there the reaction is just a large skin reaction and not a severe life threading one. You may recall this happened back in October with her eye swelling. Poor girl cannot tolerate those pesky bugs!

In other Roehrig news, our Maximilian turned seven months last Thursday! In the last month he has learned to crawl, wave, go from laying on his back to sitting, and he continues to pull himself up on every thing in site. He has NO fear of edges or anything else for that matter. His body seems to collect bruises, scratches, and other "boy markings" as I call them. He still has no teeth, but I continue to see around four little white bumps in his mouth. They are working their way to the surface but have not graced us with their presence. The drool, painful screams, and constant gnawing is a good indication that they will appear soon. On the other had I thought they would pop through two months ago!

Yes, the above picture is of Max gnawing on Zeus's bone. He loves the thing and hunts it out. I promptly took it away after the picture was taken but had to capture the fact for future blackmail purposes!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Sorry to hear about poor Noelle's reaction to bug bites. Olivia had a bad spell with some bites earlier this summer. Max is adorable. I love the dog bone!