Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Big Change

During the last week we have been going through a transition period. I would have to say I'm having the hardest time adjusting. Max has decided he is above breast milk and didn't want it any more. Now he is completely on formula :( I was heartbroken but no matter how hard I tried to force him to take my milk, he refused. He loves formula now and sucks it down. He is sleeping better and seems to be more content. His previous hatred/fear of bottles disappeared and he has no problem with them now. I guess this allows me more freedom, for what I don't know. If I find something I'll let you know.

I have been wanting to go out for breakfast, so we decided that Saturday morning we would do that. While tucking Noelle in on Friday night we told her about our upcoming adventure out to the restaurant and she was excited. Bright and early Saturday morning she bursts into our room and exclaims, "I'm ready for the restaurant." Needless to say we were not ready having just been awaken from a deeply pleasant sleep by a ridiculously high pitched voice. Cute, yes, but not exactly the best wake up call. After dressing and getting ready we headed out. Max, for the first time, was able to munch on little pieces of various foods. Tom came to the table with a plate of biscuits and gravy. Setting it down a bit too close to The Beast was not a good idea. Better we could react, Max had put a very deliberate hand print into said gravy/biscuit. It was a perfect print and had us all laughing. Noelle was nothing like that and didn't grab at things like he does, so we tend to forget that his arms seem to reach four feet beyond their actual length.

After breakfast we went to the car wash, a favorite or Noelle's, then headed home. Tom did some work outside, I mowed, and Noelle decided to be a car wash and wash off her slide. A few times the nuzzle would stick and she would turn it toward her face while trying to get it to work. The result was not a good one, except for me who tried hard to hide my laughter. The look of shock upon her face when she squirted herself was very funny. She would see me laughing and try to chase me with the hose.

The rest of the weekend was spent working on the basement (Hallelujah!). For the upcoming Holiday weekend we are visiting family in St. Clair. My parents and brother will be there and we will get to see them and my Grandparents. The drive is a short two hours, something that is very easy with the children.

To add a little bit about Noelle...she has started to perfect the art of manipulating Tom and I. She will say, "Mommy said I could" or "Daddy said it is okay". She was caught playing with the toilet paper in the toilet and told me that "Daddy said I could."

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Sorry to hear of Max's refusing to nurse, but most babies do that at some point. Think of it as him gaining some independence. Glad to hear you got out for breakfast and had an enjoyable weekend.