Sunday, July 13, 2008

Aunt Ceecee Again!

Aunt Ceecee came to visit again. We decided to take the children to the petting farm not too far away. Noelle was so excited and woke up saying "I'm ready to go!". She started the "Are we there yet?" questions on the way. Diversion tactics, like searching for things along our drive, seem to help with all the questions. The animals were super friendly and Noelle was ecstatic. Both Charlotte and I love animals so we were equally enthusiastic about the adventure. We had one little mishap where a little goat jumped on Noelle and knocked her glasses off. She was very upset, but soon after another animal distracted her. Noelle found a big pregnant cow and without fear went right up to her and gave a very loud, "MOOOOOO!". The cow looked at her and mooed right back. It made Noelle jump and run to us with a sort of nervous laughter coming from her, it was a highlight talked about for awhile! Max's eyes started to get very puffy and bloodshot so I decided to get him out of the barn while Noelle and Charlotte went on the wagon ride. I'm not sure if he has some sort of allergies, but he looked like a little raccoon with a red mask!

Friday night Tom and I put the children to bed then went to a 9pm movie. It has been over a year since we stepped foot in a movie theater. That is pretty sad. We enjoyed being among the outside world! We saw Hancock, and it was okay, but the movie didn't matter as much as the fact we were out! Charlotte had her hands full at home! Max decided to start screaming and that made Noelle wake up. Luckily, Charlotte understands the kids well and knew to just let Max scream while periodically checking on him and to let Noelle escape the screaming by falling asleep in our bed. It's wonderful knowing that she can handle any situation with the kids without panicking and stressing over things. Too bad she didn't live even closer and was able to visit once a week!

On Saturday, Noelle and Charlotte went shopping together. It was the first time since being in the hospital that Tom and I have spent quality alone time with Max! He is such a bull, going right through things and not around them. He isn't officially crawling but can do about three to four feet of real crawling then fall on his face! It won't be long now. He is also pulling himself up on everything, even in the slippery bathtub his determination to stand was shocking us. His aggression towards things is hilarious. Noelle would delicately pick something up. Max smacks at it, puts a death grip on the object then whips it! He is not content in one spot and is constantly acquiring another scrape or bruise because of his lack of fear and need to move along to something else.
This week we have nothing much going on, enjoying the warm weather and taking it easy.


Anonymous said...

hey do me a favor.. can you send me the pics of noelle and i on the hayride? thanks so much for having me over i love my babies!! oh and send me a pic of my princess in her new clothes!

Amanda said...

What a great aunt and sister! But then again what are aunts for if not to spoil their nieces and nephews? Max is definitely coming out of his shell and trying to define his own unique personality. Glad Tom and you are able to enjoy some time for the two of you.