Tuesday we did get a chance to go to the Zoo with Karen and her kiddos, Norah, Kitty, and Michael. It was very rough getting out of the house, but the trip was a lot of fun. We suffered no major crisis and Max even last from 9am to 1:30pm without eating! We left when I realized the time and that his happiness would soon come to an end. I wanted to prevent an all out hunger fit. If you want to see some pictures from our adventure there are some over at Mitzel Musings. I did not have my camera handy for I spent nearly 40 minutes searching desperately for Noelle's sandal that she had to have, and forgot to pack the camera
Tonight I'm going to mow the lawn. It sounds like a mundane task, one that doesn't warrant mentioning, expect I am so looking forward to it. Last Saturday I did it for the first time. The lines were crooked, I missed spots, but it was joyous. Tom watched the children and I didn't hear any crying or whining for over an hour. The sound of the mower was relaxing and I got lost in the bliss of being by myself! Sadly, I have been loving watching the grass grow this week anticipating the time where I can have a little alone time. Can you tell the children and I need a bit of a break from each other ?
It's been one of those weeks were children sleeping hasn't been happening, the
Noelle stories
After telling Noelle not to do something she comes back with, "Don't you talk at me like that Mommy!"
"This bed for babies!" Apparently her twin size bed is too small for her 23 pound body.
Another ploy to not go to sleep: "These pj's are not comfy any more, I need different ones."
While dressed as a princess she sings, "I a beautiful princess. My shoes are so tall and pretty. I have a very pretty wand. I in charge of Mommy and Max."
Whenever I ask her to do something that she doesn't want to do the automatic response is, "I can't, I too yittle to do that!"
Here are some pictures of the kiddos. Some are from our trip up to Traverse City.
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