Monday, January 28, 2008


Andy, Amanda, and 2-year old Olivia Feyes were a great addition to our usual boring weekends. They came in Saturday morning and stayed through Sunday evening and it was very enjoyable for all.

Noelle and Olivia are within two months of age and really enjoyed being around one another. Unfortunately, Noelle had a bit of trouble with the concept of sharing. When Olivia found something to play with, that instantly became the object of desire for Noelle as well. As the weekend went on she began to grasp the concept of sharing a little better. Resulting in a decrease of the god-awful cross between crying and talking that seemed to be her new way of communication.

Olivia is a very daring little girl and tried to teach Noelle how to jump off a stool onto her princess couch. Noelle looked a little awkward and when she finally did jump she cried and complained that it hurt. Olivia in contrast, backed the stool up even farther and attempted the jump while shouting "watch me Noelle!".

I liked having another adult women in the house to converse with and share mom-stories and tips and some good ol' fashion girl talk! Also, it was great to have another set of hands around helping with Max and household chores along with occupying Noelle's attention too.

Andy and Tom had went out Saturday evening. Being a nice guy, Andy bought Noelle some bath water color changing tablets that Olivia kept talking about because she loved them so much. We all thought that Noelle would also love having her bath water a pretty purple or blue or red or yellow. Sunday we tried it out and Olivia dove in the water swishing around, absolutely loving it and Noelle stood there crying. She just wanted out and stated "purple water go bye-bye peas" as tears poured out of her eyes. I guess that kind gesture by Andy was lost on Noelle! Maybe I'll enjoy having a purple bath one of these days.

When it was time to say good bye Noelle was upset to see Olivia go. Hopefully it won't be much of a span before we see them all again.

In other Noelle news, today we were discussing (can you really have a true discussion with a two year old?) the fact the only babies need fuffas (pacifier). Max was eagerly sucking on his as I was holding him and Noelle was snuggled up to me with hers in mouth. I was saying that she was no longer a baby and didn't need it anymore. Max was still a baby and he has little hands and little feet. She looked at her hands and said "No-well have yittle hands" I said that her hands were big. She looked at them and told me that "mommy hands big, well's hands yittle." She quickly followed that with, "well's yittle hands have fuffa too". I guess that makes sense in two-year old logic. We will wait a little longer to try and get rid of the pacifier! My goal is to have her be done with the fuffa dependancy by 2 1/2. It might be a loafty goal but I heard that the fuffa fairy will be making a stop by our house some time in June to take them away and give them to other children that are in need.


Amanda said...

We had a wonderful time and were are so thankful for your hospitality. Olivia was already asking this evening if we could go back to Noelle's house. Give Max and Noelle kisses from us all.

Jackie said...

That picture of noelle in the green bath water is so cool looking. I had such a great visit with you guys and look forward to seeing you all up in TC this summer! Beach, here we come!