Sunday, January 20, 2008

Some Pictures To Delight In

Max in Noelle's doll bassinet:

Max and Grandpa Roehrig:

Max and Aunt Mary:

Daddy's Little Buddy:

Noelle playing dress up with her new coat from Great Grandma Babcock:

Max and his friend, Michael Mitzel (7 months old):


Amanda said...

I love the pictures! He is started to look so big already. Noelle looks adorable in her new coat.

Amanda said...

Don't mind my bad grammar. I meant to say "He has started to look so big," not he is started. Oops!

the observer said...

Hey! I know that kid! :) Good luck with the potty training... I might give up already. 3 days isn't bad, right? We've got a little soul-searching to do, but it doesn't look good.

Leah said...

Aw, very cute!

Lol, I think I'm good on doing any more tattoos!