Saturday, January 12, 2008

Max Update

It is the third full day home with Max. So far it's been wonderful! Max is a champion nurser, eating about every 3-4 hours at night then back to sleep he goes. That means I have only had to get up with him twice during the night. I am at the point where Tom does not even have to help. He just sleeps on as I get up and take Max out into the living room to tend to his needs then back to bed we go.

We still have not mastered coping with this new thing between Max's legs. He pees everywhere and on everything! No matter how quickly or how carefully we cover him at least three times a day we have to change outfits. Most of the time when it goes off I just start to laugh and forget to react and the mess could have been lessened. Oh well, pee is sterile!

Being at home has also had a very positive effect on my body. I am no where near back to "normal", but I can finally look at the incision and surrounding areas without gagging! That has to count for something.

Noelle is still an angel when it comes to coping with our new arrival. She continues to be very interested in Max and asks to be involved in most tasks that include him. Only time will tell if this loving big sister behavior will continue, or when the inevitable jealously will set in. Hopefully I can continue to give her all the attention she deserves and the transition from Mom and Noelle to Mom, Noelle, and Max while Daddy is working will be easy enough. Monday will be Tom's first day back to work and I am looking forward to the challenge of two children.

Noelle quotes:
* While nursing Max, Noelle walks up and says "Baby Max eatin' mommy booby"
* Tom took Max to his well baby visit and when he came home: "Baby Max all bewer"
* Max decided it was time to go to the bathroom during a diaper change as Noelle was watching "yucky, Baby Max pee all ober mommy"
* Whenever Max is asleep Noelle goes over to him and gently strokes his face and says "ahhhh, Baby Max"
* "Keen Baby Max ear wax" as she tries to stick her finger in his ear
* As she is putting on vaseline on her bear "put wasolean bear pesis"

P.S. Max had his well baby visit on Friday and weighed in at 6 lbs., 12 oz. and 19.75 inches!


Amanda said...

Sorry to hear of your ordeal, but he is well worth it. Glad you are back on the mend and things are going well. Andy saw the pictures of him and said "Wow, he looks like Tom!"

the observer said...

Love the "wasolean" quote... priceless!

Leah said...

Awww he's so cute!!! Those Noelle quotes are too! Glad things are going well and I hope everything goes great today!! One really helpful tip I learned about the peeing everywhere thing... Make sure his boy part is pointing down when you put a new diaper on him. That saved me a lot of time and laundry! I hope you're feeling 100% better ASAP!