Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Wow it's been a whirlwind of events since I last posted! Christmas came and went. I will expand and add pictures from our Christmas at a later date, but this post is going to be all about our new addition and all the events surrounding it.

I never expected that a routine doctor's appointment on December 31 would yield a New Year's Eve baby, but it did. I went in to the hospital at 7am to get some blood drawn and drop off a specimen so that the results would be ready for my 11:40am OB appointment. I dragged my tired pregnant butt to the lab and then drove home, only to dive into bed for a much needed nap while Tom watched Noelle. After a wonderful nap I readied myself for my doc appointment. I had a terrible headache that had creeped into my head a few days before and continued. While at my appointment I mentioned the headache and with the combination of high blood pressure and amniotic fluid that dropped below the "normal" level the doctor said that it was time to take the baby.

Frantically, I called Tom and he began to pack. I spent the entire drive home calling people and sharing the exciting news. Once I got home I jumped into the shower enjoying it for the last time before they cut me open. Noelle sensed something was up and we explained that she was going to go to our friend's house and play until Aunt CeeCee and Grandma came to pick her up. She repeated over "Mommy go belly doctor". She was excited to say the least. We dropped her off and headed to the hospital.

At 5:42pm Maximilian Charles Roehrig made his entrance into the world. Slimy and healthy, weighing 6 lbs, 8 oz, and 19 inches long. His cries filled the operating room and I was overcome with joy. After they sewed me up I was wheeled into recovery, and waiting there was my Mom. What a wonderful surprise! It was so perfect to have her be the first to see Max. She stayed very briefly and then headed to our house to watch Noelle.

New Year's Day rolled around and in the evening Noelle came to meet her new little brother. She was instantly smitten with him and wanted to hold him, while proudly exclaiming "ahhh...yittle baby Max"! After a brief visit they all left and we watched the football game and rested.

On the ride home Noelle kept saying she was cold and wanted the heat on. Wednesday morning she woke with a high fever and spent the day sick. My Mom decided that it was time to take Noelle in when her fever could not be controlled with medicine. Sure enough my little angel was sick with strep throat! I was very upset that I couldn't be there to hold her and make her feel better. Aunt Ceecee and Granma stepped in and took very good care of her.

Meanwhile, while I was trying to recover the nurses and doctors noticed a very strange rash starting to form right around my incision. As the day and night progressed so did this very weird reaction. Thursday came and I was hoping that I would be able to come home, but my doctor decided that one more night was needed to keep an eye on things. We came home on Friday and it was wonderful to be back in my own house. Also, Noelle's fever had subsided and she was on some antibiotics so she was no longer contagious.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning I loved being home sleeping in my own bed being around my wonderful daughter that I dearly missed. I did notice the rash was still spreading and I was not feeling all that good. I decided to make a quick call to my doctor erring on the side of caution. He said to go to the ER. Well, we packed up some stuff and headed to the hospital thinking a quick visit and maybe a change in antibiotics was in order. WRONG! They decided that I needed to be admitted. Max could spend the time with me because I am nursing him, but another adult had to be present 24/7 to care for him and we had to provide our own supplies (well the nurses ended up being wonderful and gave us all the supplies we could ever want and/or need and even sent us home with many diapers and other things).

Tears streamed from deep inside me. Who was going to stay with me? Who was going to care for my little girl? I was so upset, to say the least. Luckily, Charlotte dropped everything and headed over to stay the night with me and my wonderful friend Karen would care for Noelle until Tom could pick her up.

One simple night turned into THREE, if you are keeping track that makes SEVEN nights in the hospital. Charlotte stayed the first night with me then she took Noelle the second night and Tom stayed with me. The third night Karen, being a savior to us, took Noelle again.

I was put on an IV and had numerous doctors visiting me and scratching their heads at this peculiar rash the was spreading around my body. After many consultations from a couple of infectious disease doctors, dermatologists, and my OB it was concluded that I had a severe reaction to the mastisol that is used to secure the bandage over the incision. The reaction became infected and my body reacted to everything which made my rash spread all over my midsection, to my face, breasts, legs and so on.

I was miserable. I missed Noelle more than words could ever express. It was nice to have Max with me so that I could continue to nurse him, but I needed my home and my Noelle. I cried every time some little thing reminded me of her. Every phone conversation I had with her left me weeping and drained. My usual sunny disposition was beginning to fade quickly with every passing hour that I was left not knowing what was going on and how long I had to stay. Every doctor kind of gave us the run around and left us with more questions than answers. Food was something that I had to force down, and I was sinking fast. Noelle's cute little voice saying "lub jew mommy" and "miss you mommy" over the phone only made me miss her more. Tom did his best to hold me and let me soak his shirts with tears while he whispered words of encouragement into my ears. I knew that things could be worse and I was blessed to have a healthy baby and toddler, but it didn't help me. Prayer was something that did keep me going and I knew God was watching over me.

Wednesday came and even though the rash was still spreading my doctor came and said I could go home! I was elated. A smile was glued to my face as Tom and I began to gather our things. Still being on the mend didn't stop me from trying to rush to get out of there as fast as I could move! When the nurse came in to remove my IV I basically helped her rip it out of my arm. We left around 2pm and I begged Tom to speed over to Karen's house. I was finally going to be able to hold my little girl and see her beautiful face.

Well, we are home and it is the greatest thing in the world. My rash is starting to subside and my spirits are back. Our first night was wonderful and Max slept like a champ, waking to nurse about every 3 1/2 hours and went back to sleep. Noelle is adjusting beautifully, loving everything about her brother and being a little "happy helper". For dinner she refused to let go of my hand as she ate. One hand was glued to mine and the other worked at operating the fork. Every time I let go so that she could have an easier time eating she would grab my hand back quickly. It was precious and I loved it!

Here are a few pictures and I promise to add more as I take them, but from what you have read we are trying to recover and take it easy for the time being!


Leah said...

I'm so sorry you had to go through all that!! I'm so glad you're home and recovering well though. You have two of the most beautiful kids ever! I can't wait to meet little Max! Let me know if you need anything, ok?

the observer said...

We're all glad you're home! Life can only get better from here :)