Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Morning Sickness and Not Much Else...

The past week has been pretty uneventful. I continue to have some pretty bad morning sickness, that usually hits in the evenings. I know it's a blessing in disguise, so I try my best to suck it up and focus on Noelle's beautiful face, knowing that I am creating another cutie!

Noelle reached the big 18 month mark on June 21st. I still can't believe that in another six months she is going to be 2! Her vocabulary keeps expanding and we have introduced the "potty". She tells us when she does do anything in her diaper so we decided to slowly try some potty training. Throughout the day she sits on the little toilet. She hasn't actually done anything yet but we hope it happens soon. The toilet we bought actually plays music when the child does use it and we are hoping that the excitement of that will entice her to go more. Ever since telling Noelle that mommy has a baby in her belly so loves to kiss my belly and point at it and say "baby". She also has taken a lot of interest in her baby dolls, wanting to wrap them up in blankets and feed them whatever food she is snacking on.

Tomorrow Noelle and I are heading up to Gladwin, Mi to visit my Aunt Judy at her condo. We are only staying for one night but it will be nice to be on a lake and just relax for a day. I promise to have lots of pictures from our visit. Until then here are some pics of Noelle:

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