Friday, October 30, 2015

How Did It Happen?

I'm not sure how it happened, but it did.  My baby boy, Zane Michael, has turned 5 years old! October 19th, has come and went, and now I'm left with a little boy that I once thought would never grow up.  A little boy who melts my heart daily.  A little boy that is everything I could ever want and more.

He is kind, imaginative, feisty, hilarious, and unique.  He is a lover of action figures, Legos, and bad guys.  He adores his siblings, and constantly tells me that I'm his favorite.  He loves to cuddle, sleep in just his underwear, and dress up in costumes.  He can do a flip on the trampoline, build complex Lego creations, but refuses to wipe his butt.  He has a sweet tooth and loves chocolate.  He also loves pizza, salami sandwiches with mustard, hamburgers, and tries to sneak sips of not allowed pop at every chance he gets.  He hates to sit and do school work, but will play for hours with his legos.  He pretends not to know his letters, but will surprise me when I least expect it by reading words.  He enjoys watching watching Curious George, Word World, and superhero shows.  He gives huge "squeeze hugs" and we have our own special nightly kiss.  He is so many things, but above all he is amazing.

I always second guess our choice to not put our children into more preschool, but this year I am so thankful he is home with me so much.  Every day, even if we don't leave the house, Zane turns it into and adventure.  I chase him around, wrestle, snuggle, read, cook, clean all with my sidekick close by.  He will go off and play by himself but frequently calls out to make sure I haven't wandered off too far.  I love being with him day after day.  In 11 months, he will attend kindergarten and my time with children at home will be gone, the finality of Zane being my baby hits the hardest when I think of next year.  For now I push the terrifying thoughts aside and stare at my baby and try to soak his awesomeness up as much as possible.

Grandpa Roehrig, Grandma Goodhue, and Grandpa Goodhue came in for a Saturday celebration of Zane's birthday.  Due to sickness, we stayed home and enjoyed cake and Zane's pick of ribs and pizza from a local restaurant.  He opened presents and enjoyed being around family.

I attempted to challenge my baking skills again for Zane's requested Captain America cake.  He loved it and I loved making him happy!

And now my days are spent with a magical five year that captivates my heart each and every day over and over again.  

Happy Birthday Zane Michael!!