Monday, December 1, 2014

Private Parts and Rushing Around

We avoided that start of school sports rush, not wanting to commit to too much while they adjust to the schedule or getting up (not really the problem ever, unfortunately) and getting going in a prompt manner.  The adjustment period has lapsed and we have moved on to some after school activities that are now filling our evenings and making life a scheduling nightmare for one parent to handle.  It's tough with Tom working late into the evenings, and with his long commute, things are tricky to juggle and poor Zane gets stuck sitting around waiting.  Oh well, such is life with four children and we make it work!

Max joined the local rec center for some floor hockey fun.  His short six week season just ended, and he was very disappointed, so much so he cried!  I guess that means he had fun!

Violette decided she wanted to try gymnastics and is attending classes once a week.  She continuously says that she does not like gymnastics class, but can be seen practicing handstands and cartwheels every day.  My guess is she is uncomfortable with not being able to complete all the skills perfectly and she gets frustrated easily.

 That brings me to the "private parts" part in the title of this post.  We switched the children's doctors due to the fact our old one stopped giving immunizations.  The children were behind, and it was time to find a pediatrician instead of a family doctor that operated with better hours and walk-ins.  Although our new doc is a 40 min drive away, the kids are caught up on shots!  Poor Zane had a minor procedure done on his little solider that resulted in massive swelling and multiple visits to the doctor and then an immediate visit to the urologist.  Everything is back to normal now, but it was a rough couple of weeks filled with much coddling and many tears.

The new doctor also discovered the Max's previous heart murmur had gotten stronger in sound and she wanted him to see a pediatric cardiologist as soon as we can.  His appointment is bright and early Wednesday (12-3) morning at UofM Mott's Children's Hospital.  Most likely all will be fine, and it's just a precaution getting it checked out, one that will ease my mind!

Well, I guess Halloween occurred awhile ago and I never posted pictures!  It was cold and rainy, of course, and Noelle opted not to go trick-or-treating this year.  I had no objection, since I didn't want to go either!  Tom and the children joined our neighbor, Howard, and his two boys, while the Mom's stayed in and handed out hot totties to the adults while Noelle helped with their baby, and passed out candy.  Everyone had a really nice time, and a successful Halloween 2014

For Thanksgiving we drove to St. Clair and celebrated for the fifth year in a row, at my Aunt Judy's house.  Alex, my Mom and Dad, and sister were also there.  The turkey and stuffing were plentiful as was the time spent with family.  I am Thankful for another year, and overjoyed I got to spend it with great company. I put down the phone and took no pictures, opting to send the entire time submerged in now of the day.

But here are some random pictures taken over the month or so.