Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Thursday School Graduation

Violette has graduated Thursday School.  She's ready for Kindergarten in a few short months, before I dwell on the fact that my little girl will be gone every day, I'm going to soak up the moments we have left and take a minute to reflect on the precious Thursday School Program that occurred on Thursday May 15.

Violette and Zane dressed up for the occasion, both donning their fanciest outfits.  Violette asked for makeup and curled hair and Zane insisted on wearing a tie.   They have come a long way from September when I dropped them off.  Zane seems to have blossomed the most, becoming very outgoing and enjoys making everyone one around him laugh.  Violette continues to be our sweetheart, always helpful, and always ready to snuggle in.
September 12, 2013
May 15, 2014

Due to heavy rain, T-ball was cancelled and Tom was let off of the coaching duty, and was able to come to the evening program.  We were all overjoyed that he was able to see this awesome event.  We arrived a bit early to scope out the seating situation and get pictures of the children with their teachers.  I actually teared up as Violette stood next to her teacher.  Miss Michelle was also Max's teacher, and has done an amazing job nurturing my children and preparing them to enter Kindergarten.  It may only be four and a half hours once a week, but in that time so much is learned and gained.  I am very grateful  to find this preschool that caters to those who do not have a need for their children to be in full time preschool.

They sang songs and delighted the audience.  Zane played with his tie, stood up a few times, but for the most part he participated and seemed to enjoy himself, despite the late time and long day.  Violette performed all her moves and stayed on task, of course.  After their songs each child received a certificate while their name was announced along with what they wanted to be when they grew up.  Max had everyone giggling as he stated he wanted to be Hulk when he grows up!  Violette picked a dancer, but later stated she really wanted to be a veterinarian. 

After the children were sitting down with their parents a tear inducing presentation played of pictures throughout the year, accompanied by the song "Let Them Be Little".  As far as the Mom's were concerned, a dry eye was few and far between.  We hugged our children tight and watched the year in photos unfold before us.  Each child was featured and their smiles contagious.  The pictures with animals, fireman, on the bus, on their bikes, and more, showed us all how great of a program Thursday School is.  

After eyes were dried we headed to the fellowship hall to snack on cupcakes and punch and converse with the other parents and children. 

Zane will again attend Thursday School in the fall, but Violette will move on.  She is ready, I am not, but I have a few months to prepare! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Still Here!!

Spring Break happened.  Easter happened.  T-ball season started.  And yet, my blog has remained updatedless.  I keep forming updates in my head, but timing has not been on my side.

How about some picture updates?

It was a staycation for Spring Break, but we did have some friends visit!

 Above: Noelle, Jacob Zbytowski, Kelana Z., Max, Violette, and Zane
Above: Noelle, Ryhs Dunham, Max, Luke D, Zane, Violette

For Easter the Goodhue Gang came to celebrate! But the camera was severely lacking in it's appearance. 

Courtesy of me, Tom is the head coach for Violette and Max's T-ball team, which held it's opening day on April 26th.  They continue to have games every Tuesday and Thursday.  Both are very proud of their Dad coaching and seem to be enjoying their inaugural year in TALL (Tecumseh Area Little League).  Violette is rather small and her hits do not travel far, but she gives it her all and has picked up the fundamentals of throwing and fielding very well.  Max smacks the ball far and continues to show glimpses of true natural ability (as commented on by a fellow coach who also played college baseball).  He gets frustrated easily if his hitting is not up to par or if he makes an error.  Many tears have already been shed, but he is learning that it's okay to make mistakes, as long as you try your best and enjoy playing.  

Noelle joined running club and runs on Tuesday's and Thursday's as well.  She isn't sure how she likes it, but we have told her that "Roehrig's don't quit and you have to finish the season".  After each practice she is all smiles and very proud of her accomplishment of making it through practice!  

Our house was given a face lift a few weeks ago.  The porch was cemented along with the sidewalks, and our porch columns and railings were added.  The transformation was amazing!  We are still waiting on shutters for the first floor windows and for our front door to be painted.  Also, we are waiting on the driveway to be put in and then we can start the daunting task of having sprinklers put in along with grass seed.  

That's all for now!  We are alive and well!!