Friday, April 4, 2014


We’ve had a another music concert featuring our amazing kindergartener, Maximilian, and attended Kindergarten registration for our growing Violette! 

It’s hard to believe that in the Fall Violette will be attending Sutton Elementary School.  This one is mind blowing to me.  Only fourteen months younger than Max, he towers over her and makes her seem so much younger.  Wrapping my head around not having her in the house all the time has been a difficult concept to grasp.  Hearing her giggle, listening to her little high pitched voice engage in creative play with Zane, and not having her helpful hands around will be a tough one! 

But the time has come for registration.  Violette and I headed to the school Saturday morning (the 22nd) and filled out the massive amounts of paperwork for her to attend.  We went around to all the stations and then took a bus ride.  I forget that she has never been on the inside of a bus.  Her eyes widened as we stepped on.  She was amazed at the bus length and sat in her seat with a bewildered excited face planted in her features.  She sauntered next to me and enjoyed the ride.  She was quiet, as usual, and seemed to be absorbing the experience, but really enjoying it as well.

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She is ready, constantly reminding me that she’ll be in Kindergarten and she’ll be eating lunch in the cafeteria and have art, gym, and music class.  Yes, she is ready, but I still have her home with me for another five months, and I’ll enjoy those months!!

Max participated in another incredible music concert too.  He even surprised us with a small signing solo!  He was nervous, tears streaming down his face just a few minutes before we left.  He adamantly screamed that he wasn’t going and he was going to hide in his closet.  Oh the drama my children throw at us!  We managed to convince him it was going to be a fun time and headed to the school. 

For Kindergarten each class does their concert with just their class.  This gives parents a chance to really focus on their child without the other two classes of Kindergartners involved, plus I think 25 5 and 6 year olds are easier to control than 75, for the music teacher!

When Max walked out and positioned himself in his assigned spot, an instant look of fear and raised eyebrows spanned his face as he looked at the crowd.  I burst out laughing, he was so cute up there!  As the music began he cracked infrequent smiles, but I knew he was having a great time, just concentrating on the task at hand!  We were very proud of our little man!

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