It has begun again. Another year of school is upon us. Nine months, five days a week, they are gone. Entrusted in a teacher's care, given to them to instruct and guide their growth. This is Noelle's third year attending full time public school and Max's first year. That means this is, again, my third year freaking out about this start of school, wondering if, essentially, giving my children away for the next nine months is a good idea, or would they thrive more staying at home, while I do my best to home school them? I play tug-of-war with public school vs. homeschool every year, and school wins out. Although sending them to school seems to be the right fit for our family, it doesn't stop me from questioning and debating the decision. Sigh. For now I love their Elementary school and resume roll of PTO President. Since they are not at home, I might as well throw myself into being that overly involved parent!
Tom and I asked the children on Monday, Labor Day, what they wanted to do for their last day of summer? We gave suggestions like, go put-put golfing, go to the park, take a nature walk, etc. They thought and decided they wanted to put a tent in the backyard. That's all they wanted. A simple back yard tent. We obliged and they enjoyed. Sometimes I shake my head at their wants, so simple and pure, nothing grand and overdone. This is another example of how children chose to lead a minimalist lifestyle, forget the brand names, forget the fancy electronics, forget the expensive toys. Give them plenty of love and read to them often.
So they gathered all their stuffed animals, and toy guns and engaged in creative play as Tom and I sat on the patio listening and holding hands. Both of us were a bit nostalgic, having viewed past pictures over the weekend. We saw baby Max, looking like a Zane's older clone, and the chubbiest baby Violette. We were blown away and vowed to go back more often and view more photos. Noelle was just this little pint size peanut when she received her first pair of glasses, almost six years ago. Now, she has grown and her face completely transformed into a beautiful young lady. Pictures of Max, before under a year old, on top of tables, so blond, so much trouble, and so Max. Every picture of Max around a year to two years old, has us again in awe of the similarities between and Zane. Oh, it's painful, but liberating how much our children are growing and seeing them reach milestones and start becoming their own grown little people.
Our neighbor, and Max's good friend, Luke, wandered over in the afternoon. Luke was nervous about riding the bus and his Mom wanted to reassure him. Noelle promised to watch out for the boys, and even said she would sit with them help them when they got of the bus and be there for them. My heart swelled a bit at her kindness! Max also fessed up to being very nervous and the boys went on playing.
The backpacks were hung by door and the children fell asleep with many butterflies fluttering in their little tummies. They woke up before any alarms went off and excitedly got dressed and ate a delicious breakfast of warm homemade cinnamon rolls. The morning was good and the excitement was in the air. We snapped lots of pictures and headed out to wait for the bus.
I tried to get a picture of all four, but Zane was being very difficult and only wanted to be held by Daddy. Sigh.
The bus rounded the corner and they were off. Ready to begin a nine month adventure!
This year I decided to head to the school while Tom stayed with Vi and Z so I could see Noelle and Max at the school. It was a last minute decision and the surprise on their faces when they saw me was priceless. I'm so glad I went. I was able to walk them to their classes and give one last hug.
The came home from school excited about their first day, but glad to be home. Max was tired, not used to such a long day, but full of stories with much enthusiasm.
Violette and Zane anxiously waiting for Max and Noelle to get home. Zane is wearing his Hugh Hefner robe!