Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Awhile Ago…

It's a beautiful day outside, Zane and Violette fell asleep after a long morning at our MOPS (mother's of preschoolers) meeting and Max is outside with a shovel, digging in the garden. I see a laundry basket filled to the brim with clothing and toys strewn across the floor, but my updating of this blog is calling me.

Easter came and went, filled with lots of good times. Grandma and Grandpa Goodhue came down to join in the celebration. The sun was out and the air reached a temperature crisp and enjoyable. The children wanted to show them the trails at the park. We climbed the felled tree limbs and ran the trails.

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Of course egg dying was done too:


Being 21/2 now, I see Zane, along with the other three, enjoying and savoring Holiday traditions.  The messy egg dye and smelly eggs are something I could do without, but after beginning the process it was hard not to be sucked in with their joy and exuberance over this tradition. 

The following week was Noelle’s Spring Break.  The week was long, the children irritable and the weather horrible.  Days were really not fun, but on Friday we added a little trip and brought the fun back to a dull Spring Break.  We headed over to Sturgis to visit the Feyes Family.  Also a blast, filled with children playing, and adults laughing and talking.  It was a great day. 


I found on my Mom’s SD card some pictures from Christmas up in Traverse City.  There are so cute ones:

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

Hacking Job

Crouched under her bed, with children's scissors in her hands Violette when to town on her hair.  She bounded out of the room and said to me, "do I look different Mommy?".  I immediately noticed her blond locks chopped hacked into what looked like a complete butcher job.  I ran to her room and searched for the evidence wanting to see the amount that had been cut.  Under the bed, heaped in a pile was the hair.  Yep, it was pretty bad. 

After talking with her and dolling out a punishment, Violette was beyond remorseful with tears streaming down her face and her eyes remained pitiful and tear filled.  She knew it was wrong and she took her punishment well and with much understanding.  I could do nothing more than love and hold her. 

As I surveyed the damage I realized her left side was pretty bad.  I snapped a picture and texted it to my sister.  We discussed options and knew it would have to be cut a lot shorter to even things up.  Charlotte didn't think it look that bad in the picture but when she came over on Easter she saw up close and realized that it was pretty bad. 

Needless to say, Violette is now sporting a much shorter hairstyle.  She really likes it and has hopefully learned her lesson. 

The evidence:
The cut:
The new do: