Saturday, October 27, 2012


My camera is broken.  It took a long fall and I’m debating whether to fix it or upgrade.  In the meantime our phones have been an easy replacement, as they are always with us.  We have been out and about and here are some pictures:
This next picture is one for documentation.  It was Wednesday, October 24, 2012.  My 29th birthday.  I kicked the kids outside to give myself a little quiet time while folding laundry and watching a recorded reality show.  Soon a screaming was heard, one that I instantly could tell was a scream that meant pain.  I rolled my eyes and went to see what damage, from whom, was had.  My little guy was the one screaming that Max had bit him.  I couldn’t see at this point and as I got closer I was met with this ugly site:
Indeed, Max did bite him.  Hard.  In Max’s defense, Zane apparently bit him first and this was a retaliation bite.  Oh, being a Mother is filled with much excitement! 

He’s 2!!!

October 19th has come and gone and that means our little man is 2!!!!  Zane is obscenely loud, extremely loving, and a big talker.  He doesn’t like having his picture taken, yelling at me, “stop mommy!  No more pictures!”  the moment I aim a camera in his direction.  He loves and admires his siblings, but is very quick to tattle on them and play the innocent youngest card to his advantage.  Multiple times a day I will hear him scream at me, “Max (or Violette or Well) hit/pushed/kicked me!”.  Most of the time it is a fabrication and what happened was a toy was taken from him.  He gives great soberly kisses and enthusiastic hugs.  He’s a lover of pizza, chocolate milk, goldfish crackers, breast milk and oatmeal!  “Snuggle me” is a phase uttered (demanded in a loud voice) at the most inconvenient times along with the phrase, “More boob Mommy, please!”.  That last one is a crowd pleaser and makes most people giggle as I quickly divert his attention and save nursing for only at home. 
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The pacifier and addiction to breast milk continue on.  As with the other children I will allow the pacifier to be used for a few more short months and then begin the ritual of the Great Fuffa Fairy swooping down to take them for babies who need them and leaving a sweet toy behind.  It’s worked three times before and shall do the trick one more time.  Sigh.  As far as nursing goes, my initial goal, when he was a newborn was to go until one year, then it was eighteen months, then two years, now I will continue on until he and I are both ready to end it.  I cherish our snuggle time before bedtime and naps, and despise the many night time demands. 
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For Z Man’s birthday we had Grandpa Roehrig & Grandpa and Grandma Goodhue over!  Let it be noted that the last time all three Grandparents were in the same room was almost eight years ago at our wedding.  That was the first time they met each other too.  So, this was a BIG BIG deal.  All the children were extremely excited and couldn’t wait for the big day.  Cake and three Grandparents is huge!!  It was a lot of fun and I believe that the kids had some major enjoyment.  Many smiles were had on this special day!
Zane loved his cake, a tractor one, per his request.  We had to take the tractor off as soon as he saw it, but at least we got one picture in before the whining!
After cake my parents headed back to TC in the early afternoon.  Although the time went by quickly, it was such a wonderful way to celebrate Zane turning 2.  And for the record, both Grandpa’s said they would watch the children together for a weekend, once Zane was potty trained.  Tom and I will be cashing in on that one for sure!!!! 
Happy Birthday Zane Michael.  You are an amazing child!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Autumn Is Upon Us

The leaves have reached peak color around our area.  It seems to be more vibrant this year, reds are deeper, the oranges resemble ripened pumpkins, and the yellows shine brightly.  As I drive, we point out the trees, competing to see who can find the brightest colored tree.  We find one on the left side, then the right, it’s surrounding us, these awesome colors are truly beautiful. 

As the leaves change color the county showers their inhabitants with an abundance of festivals and activities to take part it.  As we spend more years in here, my love for Lenawee grows.  It’s a pretty awesome place to live (TC has it beat, still!). 

Fall also equals playoff baseball.  Maximilian experienced his first Tiger’s Baseball game.  Row 19, behind the home plate made for a pretty cool first game vantage point!  My four year old boy thoroughly enjoyed his one on one time with Daddy and this noteworthy first. 

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Tiger’s won.  Max ate and ate and ate and had a lot of fun.  Tom realized quickly the best way to keep a fidgety four year old content was to keep handing him food.  Max was okay with that!  They made it through the whole game and Noelle can’t wait for her turn to head to a game!

Fall festivals are all around us.  We’ve gone to a few this year.  Children are older and it’s easier to get up and go.  Noelle loves to go, Max tags along and is great as long as we promise to buy him something, Violette complains the most not content with much of anything, and Zane fights the restraints of a stroller, wanting to be a free man.  It’s great family fun.  Cough.  We plunge through, making the most of it all.  Ignoring complaints, buying lots of elephant ears, keeping focused on moving and not dwelling too long at one craft booth.  We’re making memories!

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A much anticipated train ride field trip for Thursday School happened this week.  We all were able to go (minus Noelle and Tom) and had a great time.  Who doesn’t love a train ride through the beautiful trees?  It was windy and chilly, but the children did not care and insisted on riding in the open train car.  The train moved slow, but it was a ride to remember! 

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Parks, we’ve been visiting them.  There are a lot around our area and it’s a great break in our day to drive to one for an hour.  I’m really really good at breaking up monotony now! 

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School at home continues on.  Violette has become very good at handwriting, but not so good at following directions given by Mom.  The best and most efficient learning is through play.  So we play a lot!  I find myself having to force the chores to be set aside and engage is true play with the children.  I dread it always, but then after an hour I loved every minute.  If only the house cleaned itself!



There’s a quick update!  Next up is Zane’s 2nd birthday and my 29th (gasp, I’m frickin’ old!!), then Halloween.  We’ll continue to crunch leaves under our feet, spy vibrant trees, and spend lots of time playing, learning, and growing!