Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Guess Who Is Three!

Green beer, shamrocks, leprechauns, it’s all rolled in to St. Patrick’s Day for most people.  Not for us.  It’s Violette’s Birthday.  She won’t wear green, she wants purple and pink, “those are my favorite colors!”! 

Our little girl is now three years old.  Three, for her, is big stuff.  She is NOT a little girl, she is now a big girl and will correct you if you even remotely refer to her with any synonym of little.  She must do all things by herself and tries with all her might to keep up with Noelle and Max.  She has even learned to write her name mainly because she wanted to do it when Max learned. 



Determined and stubborn along with sweetness are perfect ways to describe her.  She can throw a mean tantrum and hold a major grudge when the situation presents itself.  Most of the time she is sweet.  Violette adores Zane and is always there to help him, even though he does out weigh her and is quickly catching up in height.  When Zane is upset she sings to him, tickles him, and does all she can to ease his discomfort.  I found her teaching him to blow bubbles just the other day.  It made me melt!


Max is 14 months her elder and the biggest competition for Violette.  They fight, All The Time!  It seems there is a constant battle between the two.  Sometimes, on rare occasions, they do get along and Violette shows great admiration for her big brother.  He’ll guard her and protect her, I know it. 


For awhile now she has been talking about wanting a big girl bike for her birthday.  We delivered with a pink and purple one.  She lit up the morning of her birthday and couldn’t wait to get out and try her new wheels.  The transition from tricycle to bike was made with ease.  She had no problem taking a walk, over half a mile, without tiring! 



Grandpa Roehrig joined us for Violette’s celebration this year.  The weather was irresistible and we spent most of the afternoon soaking up the sun. 


Time came for cake.  We will continue on with the tradition of a two tiered cake.  The children love seeing their cake and we surprised Violette with a pink and purple one!  She loved it, of course.  She is a very girly girl!




It was a great day and start to Violette’s third year.  This year I have a feeling will bring with it a growth of stronger spirit and much knowledge.  She will hold her ground and make herself known to her older siblings.  She’ll teach them she is a big girl that can run with the big dogs, as they say.  I can’t say it out loud anymore, but she will always be my little girl!

Monday, March 12, 2012


Spring is in the air.  The warm temperatures have brought out of the spring jackets and need to be outside, but before this draping of warmth there was the winter.  Snow was lacking this season.  When it fell the kids begged to be suited up and joyfully snow angeled it up, threw snow balls with fury, and ate mitten-fulls of the delicate white powder. 

Sadly, in Noelle’s inaugural year of school not once did she experience the pleasure of a snow day.  I wasn’t able to wake her up and excitedly tell her she would get to spend the day home, with me, and play in the newly fallen snow.  It was something I was really looking forward to.  I’m hoping next year we have a bunch of snow days to carve our own adventures out of. 

Here are some pictures of the past winter and the fun the little’s enjoyed.  Our small hill is always a great place to sled!:

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I look forward to a bit of warm weather and a break from the children.  I can send them ALL out in the beauty of a fenced in yard and watch them interact, fight, and hopefully get along for a short period.  We can take plenty of walks, visit multitudes of parks, and enjoy having my Noelle home, all the time!