Friday, January 20, 2012


I wrote another post for the blog Growing Great, I am really enjoying writing for them. Evolution of a Mom

Monday, January 16, 2012

Camera Down

My camera is broke. I miss it. I have realized I take a lot of pictures, almost every day at home.  The boys being cute, or Violette dancing around and then striking a random pose is nice to capture.  It works, just no flash and sadly the winter lends way to a lack of natural light and therefore leaves dark, grainy pictures.

Tom and I talked, discussed and decided to embark on an exciting adventure.  This adventure (I’m referring to it as this otherwise I just get overwhelmed and start to panic with fear of the unknown) will consume a lot of our time.  Closets will be cleaned, lots of stuff purged, you know, work.  As far as details go, until things are final I will leave it as it is. 

There seems to be a lull in exciting things going on around here.  Noelle continues to enjoy her inaugural year of school, making friends and expanding her little mind.  I volunteer once a week in the library, serving as her class’s librarian.  I am able to meet her classmates and be involved with the school.  I really enjoy the energy of 26 kindergarteners and their fidgety ways.

Max starts up his own extra curricular activity tomorrow. The local community center is offering basketball for three and four year olds.  Max is stoked and seems to like bragging to his sisters that he will be the soul basketball player in our house.  Although, his outbursts are continuing, some days draining all patience from me.  Other days they are nonexistent.  Max has become a gentle and compassionate big brother to Zane.  He wrestles him down with great ease, displaying genuine tenderness and love while encouraging some typical brotherly behavior.  They laugh and giggle and bring smiles to my face.

Slender and tall, our Violette keeps us on our toes.  She can throw down a wicked tantrum.  Screams expel from her throat that are high pitched and shrill.  As soon as we pick her up to put her in time out she turns it off in a dramatic fashion.  She wraps her little arms around us and says, “I stopped.  I love you.  I’m sorry”.  Oh, she can play us well!  When not being dramatic she loves herself some makeup.  She will put her hands on her hips and say, “I need to put makeup on” as she runs into her room and shuts the door.  A few minutes later out emerges a little clown.  Bright eye shadow is plastered all over and she is beaming with pride.  “I look beautiful” she will state in a matter of fact way.  If you try to remove the hag like makeup she puts up a big fight. 

Oh my baby boy is growing.  He’s tall.  I mean really tall for a mere 14 months.  2t clothing fits him perfectly.  He plays me.  He plays me like a fiddle at night.  This boy can scream and he does until he gets, “boooob” as he calls it.  The screaming wakes up all the children and I give in.  This isn’t a one time a night thing, but 4 to 5 times a night.  He knows that I’ll give in!  His vocabulary is expanding too.  Boob is a favorite word, one I’m not so found of as he bellows is out, in public and yanks at my shirt.  Others that have been added to his vocab are up, cup, love you, down, stuck, car, are you (meaning, where are you).  The older children encourage him by asking him to repeat words.  This is helping a lot.  Hence learning the word, “boob”.  Zane can give a devilishly handsome smile and knows just when to flash it, when I’m at my wits end.  Chubby and snuggly, I’ll keep him my baby forever.

That’s all for now.  We’ll keep on keeping on, as I try to wrangle the troops.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Big 4

New Year’s Eve doesn’t just mean celebrating a new year in our house.  It’s about celebrating our first son’s birthday.  Maximilian Charles turned 4 December 31st.  Four is a good age. An age where great imagination and energy take precedence.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel when it comes to Max’s tantrums, and loud screaming fits.  Four is a good age and we are looking forward to this year with our man.

Max ran into his room (he was sleeping with Daddy while I was in his bed with a very cranky Zane) and exclaimed with sheer delight, “I’m four today!”.  Without hesitation he asked for his presents and in a sleep haze we headed toward his gifts.  He ripped into them with over zealousness.  He was pleased with his gifts and his appreciation was expressed, a great thing as a parent to be apart of!



Max received Big Game Hunter for our Wii from Grandma and Grandpa Goodhue and us.  It was a HUGE hit.  He really enjoys playing the game and I’ve had to put a time limit of his gaming.  Oh, boys and their video games!


Weather was exceptionally warm, for the end of December, and Max was looking forward to trying out his new Big Wheel.  We raced his Christmas gift of a remote control monster truck and sucked up the mild weather.





A shark cake was Max’s request and it was loved! 





Happy 4th Birthday Max!


His nose is bruised and swelled in pictures (looking way worse today) due to a daredevil incident and the bathtub the night before his birthday.  He has now learned that you can’t jump out of the bathtub or you will slip due to the wetness and land nose first on the near by toilet.  Just another valuable life lesson!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


A favorite part of the Christmas Season is the visiting of family.  How can you not enjoy catching up with family you haven’t seen in a long time?  It’s just a great part of the season.

Our first stop was in Sturgis.  We are seasoned in the two hour drive down good ol’ US-12.  The fairly mundane drive down the two lane road is peppered with interesting little towns sporting many antique shops.  Although small, a lot of the towns were decorated with lovely Holiday lights, signs, and things that held our interest. 

The smell of slow cooked, hearty spaghetti danced in our nostrils once we arrived at Grandpa Roehrig’s house.  It’s my favorite.  He can cook a mean batch of sauce.  It’s thick and chunky with lots of meat and vegetables.  I crave it and savor as much as I can when given the opportunity! 

Aunt Liz, Uncle Larry and their two boys were there along with Grandpa.  We visited, laughed and had a very nice time.  Personally, I counted down the minutes until we could dig in to the spaghetti, oh, it’s truly THAT delicious!  The children got spoiled with many gifts and had a blast opening the toys and trying them out. 

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My camera never seems to capture all the family around, but not seen in film was lots of smiles from us adults as we watched the children, and the chit-chat between us all.  Oh yeah, the spaghetti too.  I can’t take pictures while stuffing my mouth full!  We left with stomachs stretched, the Durango full of gifts and happiness all around us.  The drive home was in the dark and those little towns were lit up.  The awake children exclaimed with glee when we passed through. 

The 23rd, Friday, Tom started his vacation and we headed to St. Clair.  Another two hour drive, no big deal for this clan.  We arrived early and the children changed into their dress clothes.  Each year when I and my cousins were little, my Grandma would buy us beautiful dresses for Christmas.  She started doing it for my girls.  This year, Great Grandpa went out and picked out dresses for the girls and handsome sweaters for the boys.  It was touching, and for me, seeing the girls put on their dresses brought tears to my eyes. 

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The kids played, were loved on, and given lots of gifts.  My Aunt from Texas made it up and it was lovely seeing her again.  We are a big group and almost all 18 cousins were in attendance.  It was loud, laughter resonated above all.  Grandma would’ve loved it!

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Again, my camera wasn’t taken out much, as catching up with family took over my want to click the camera.  We left and four little one’s fell fast asleep.  Tom and I held hands as we drove home, knowing that night was a wonderful start to our vacation.

Christmas Eve, Saturday, came.  I noticed Zane was covered in hives, thanks to me for not washing his new sweater before wearing it, so some pictures will have him clad in only a diaper.  Fare warning, I do dress the children, especially in winter, but he seemed happier in just a diaper.

Anyways, my parents and Alex, came down on Christmas Eve.  We decided to open gifts from them that evening.  The kids dug in and loved all their new presents. 

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The thrill of Santa brought the children down from their high.  Cookies were set out, and they readied for bed.  Excitement could be felt in their little bodies.  The morning came and Noelle was the first up, she ran downstairs and not only did Santa come, but Aunt CeeCee was waiting too!  Not wanting to miss the opening of presents she drove very early and was ready for the kids.

The wrapping paper fell, and it was such fun watching the kids.  Even little baby Todd (Aunt Ceecee is due January 23rd, which was my due date with Max) watched!

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Grandpa was designated at the puter-together guy and happily built whatever was needed.

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We had dinner early, played a ton and then it was over.  Oh, but it was good! 


See, Zane thought the cookies were REALLY good!


Grandpa Goodhue tried to steal a Lalaloopsy doll!


When the house was left to us, we chilled and reflected on the past visits this season.  All was good, very good.  I hope all had a Very Merry Christmas!