Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday Noelle

My first born has turned 7 years old.  Noelle is kind, observant, and above all, a joy to be around.  She helps around the house and with her siblings constantly.  Even without asking, I find her helping and teaching the others with a real kindness and tenderness. 

Over the last year her aspirations to become a veterinarian have faded do to the huge dislike of any blood.  She now talks about becoming a teacher.  Over the years this will probably change again and again, but I like to be able to look back and see the progression. 

We enjoy her sweet and spicy side and look forward to what this year brings. 

We love you little stocking stuffer!



Monday, December 17, 2012

Where Did It Go?

November is long gone and we are in the depths of December.  Christmas is just next week!  Noelle turns 7 on Friday!  I can’t believe were this year has gone, where these last couple of months have gone.  It’s a blur of children and more children. 

As I was going through my phone pictures (still just using the phone as a camera) we have been keeping busy and have created many cute memories. 

Noelle’s school had crazy hair and all the children had to participate:




Mentioned previously, we explored more trails at Heritage Park on several occasions and played on the swingset there. 


Noelle had a day off in November and we headed to the Chelsea Threehouse.  The children loved it there, as always.  Noelle does not seem to be in any of the pictures.  She was a blur, having much fun with a friend!


Max’s Thrusday School had a lovely Thanksgiving Soup lunch before Thanksgiving.  He was adorable and I loved eating lunch with him!


Max’s kind heart brings tears to my eyes.  His compassion and love is big.  Bigger than my words.  He is my sensitive boy.


Noelle continues to make progress in riding lessons.  She is confident and strong atop of the horses, commanding them to do as she asks.  The other three children look forward to her lessons. 


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Thanksgiving was spent in St. Clair at my Aunt Judy’s house again this year.  Not one picture was taken, but we all had a great time.  My parents and Uncle Alex were present, along with Aunt CC and baby Maizey, Great Grandpa, and a whole slew of other family that came in and out of the house. 

The local tree farm had another visit from us.  We cut down a tree after searching and searching for just the right one.  The children’s opinions were strong and expressed with great volume at each tree.  It was a difficult task to agree on one tree, but we finally did. 


For the first time EVER the children expressed interest in visiting Santa.  Max and Violette have even sat on him twice this year!  Zane will not go near him, bolting in the opposite direction when Santa comes near.  I have said it before and I’ll say it again, 3 out of 4 ain’t bad!   


Noelle had her school conference at the beginning of December.  Of course it was all wonderful things said by her teacher.  As for academics goes, she is reading at a third grade level and knows all of the required sight words for the end first grade now.  Not a surprise, she seems to excel when it comes to school work. I am enjoying the lack of required parent help because I know it will not be the same with all of the other children.  Of course, we are very much involved with her school work, it is quick and painless because Noelle requires little direction. 

For the first time we will be traveling a lot right be Christmas.  Adventures will be had in Traverse City on the 22nd and 23rd and Sturgis on the 24th.  Although this will be a lot, spending time with family and friends and right before Christmas seems like a wonderful idea.  

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Grandma and Noelle

Thursday Noelle cantered on a horse.  She was thrilled, and wanted more.  Her instructor said she has a bit of wild child in her!  She was cantering!!  I couldn’t believe it.  The previous lesson she was asked to try, and stood her ground stating she was too afraid.  We discussed fear, the reason behind it and how sometimes we just had to go for it.  Conquer it.  This was a daily discussion, but after a few days Noelle decided that she was going to try it.  That she did, and my favorite part, was seeing the satisfaction on her face after she put her horse away and ran to to me.  She was so proud of herself, her face filled with a unmistakable prideful smile.  And as a mother, I was proud of her.  A feeling so deep inside. 

Noelle couldn’t wait to show Grandma and tell her all about on their special weekend.  My mom was coming down for Mother/Daughter Weekend at Morgan Valley Farm.  I signed them up months ago, and it has been in the forefront of Noelle’s words and thoughts.  As Saturday approached the excitement was upped a notch and squeals of happiness came from her. 

Grandma arrived and hung out with us for a few hours before we drove over to Morgan Valley.  We checked in and took their stuff to the cabin.  It was a pleasant surprise to find the cabin was not as rustic as we previously thought.  Noelle picked the top bunk and Grandma the bottom.  I gave hugs and kisses and walked back to my car, knowing that this was going to be a cherished event and they were going to have a lot of fun. 

photo 2   

Since Zane’s birth, this was my first night away from Noelle.  I texted my Mom a lot, just checking in.  I couldn’t help it, I missed my girl!  My Mom would inform me that Noelle was just fine and they were thoroughly enjoying themselves.  They crafted, took care of horses, had a bonfire, went on a wagon ride, played games.  A long list of good fun. 

horse camp photo 1

photo 4 noelle hc

When Sunday came, I watched the clock intently, watching on their arrival.  When the car pulled in, I ran out.  Noelle was all smiles and stories.  Grandma looked happy too!  For days I heard all about their adventures and soaked in each of Noelle’s tales. 

I am so grateful my Mom was able to take Noelle, as I know this will be a memory for her to hold onto and treasure. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012


We loaded the wagon and headed out on Halloween with a Cowgirl, Hunter, Elephant, and Skeleton in tow.  They all did really well, making it around the subdivision, not wanting to stop despite the misting rain and cold temperatures.  This year Zane was really into it, proclaiming in a very auditable voice, “trick-or-treat!”.  At a few houses people held out a bowl for the kids to choose from and Zane proceeded to grab the whole bowl!  When he wasn’t taking the whole bowl, he would grab three or four pieces, opposed to the polite one piece.  It was pretty cute. 

Violette decided to abandon the beloved Rapunzel costume in favor of a warmer elephant that Max wore last year.  She looked adorable.  Max loved being a hunter and toted his pop gun with him.  Noelle has started up riding lessons again and opted to be a cowgirl.  He brand new pink cowgirl boots were the perfect accessory for the costume.  When Max was two (well, just shy of 2) he was a skeleton and it was just natural for Max’s clone to where it too.  Zane would tell people, “I a skel-ton!”.  Tom and I did not dress up this year, but the children are planning a family costume for next year.  The Zoo Keeper and animals was a big hit last year with them!

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We also discovered this great park right around the corner with countless trails through acres of woods.  This past weekend we decided to head out and have some Family Fun.  The leaves crunched under our feet and let the children decided the route.  When we came upon a fork in the trails, they debated which way to go, Noelle and Max usually at the forefront of the debate.  Tom and I loved holding hands while our brood wandered ahead, picking up sticks, chasing each other, and really enjoying our time in the woods.  This park will be visited many times in the future!

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Saturday, October 27, 2012


My camera is broken.  It took a long fall and I’m debating whether to fix it or upgrade.  In the meantime our phones have been an easy replacement, as they are always with us.  We have been out and about and here are some pictures:
This next picture is one for documentation.  It was Wednesday, October 24, 2012.  My 29th birthday.  I kicked the kids outside to give myself a little quiet time while folding laundry and watching a recorded reality show.  Soon a screaming was heard, one that I instantly could tell was a scream that meant pain.  I rolled my eyes and went to see what damage, from whom, was had.  My little guy was the one screaming that Max had bit him.  I couldn’t see at this point and as I got closer I was met with this ugly site:
Indeed, Max did bite him.  Hard.  In Max’s defense, Zane apparently bit him first and this was a retaliation bite.  Oh, being a Mother is filled with much excitement! 

He’s 2!!!

October 19th has come and gone and that means our little man is 2!!!!  Zane is obscenely loud, extremely loving, and a big talker.  He doesn’t like having his picture taken, yelling at me, “stop mommy!  No more pictures!”  the moment I aim a camera in his direction.  He loves and admires his siblings, but is very quick to tattle on them and play the innocent youngest card to his advantage.  Multiple times a day I will hear him scream at me, “Max (or Violette or Well) hit/pushed/kicked me!”.  Most of the time it is a fabrication and what happened was a toy was taken from him.  He gives great soberly kisses and enthusiastic hugs.  He’s a lover of pizza, chocolate milk, goldfish crackers, breast milk and oatmeal!  “Snuggle me” is a phase uttered (demanded in a loud voice) at the most inconvenient times along with the phrase, “More boob Mommy, please!”.  That last one is a crowd pleaser and makes most people giggle as I quickly divert his attention and save nursing for only at home. 
zane 2
The pacifier and addiction to breast milk continue on.  As with the other children I will allow the pacifier to be used for a few more short months and then begin the ritual of the Great Fuffa Fairy swooping down to take them for babies who need them and leaving a sweet toy behind.  It’s worked three times before and shall do the trick one more time.  Sigh.  As far as nursing goes, my initial goal, when he was a newborn was to go until one year, then it was eighteen months, then two years, now I will continue on until he and I are both ready to end it.  I cherish our snuggle time before bedtime and naps, and despise the many night time demands. 
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For Z Man’s birthday we had Grandpa Roehrig & Grandpa and Grandma Goodhue over!  Let it be noted that the last time all three Grandparents were in the same room was almost eight years ago at our wedding.  That was the first time they met each other too.  So, this was a BIG BIG deal.  All the children were extremely excited and couldn’t wait for the big day.  Cake and three Grandparents is huge!!  It was a lot of fun and I believe that the kids had some major enjoyment.  Many smiles were had on this special day!
Zane loved his cake, a tractor one, per his request.  We had to take the tractor off as soon as he saw it, but at least we got one picture in before the whining!
After cake my parents headed back to TC in the early afternoon.  Although the time went by quickly, it was such a wonderful way to celebrate Zane turning 2.  And for the record, both Grandpa’s said they would watch the children together for a weekend, once Zane was potty trained.  Tom and I will be cashing in on that one for sure!!!! 
Happy Birthday Zane Michael.  You are an amazing child!!