The stage of infancy has slipped through our parenting fingers. Tiny little critters, freshly birthed will no longer have their first tour of home, first night, first smile, etc., the list goes on of firsts we will no longer be privy to.
This brings sadness to my soul. Sadness that is deep rooted and will take time to heal. The sadness brings out sobs, and makes my face streaked with salty tears for days. I cry and morn the loss of a growing baby and the newly born infant. I think of that first smile I will no longer witness, and the first coo softly whimpered in my arms.
All these things are gone but surely not forgotten. The tears need to be dried and the future brightly looked toward. Zane has turned one. Violette is two. Max is three. Noelle is five. These ages demand my utmost attention and love. They need me to put the sadness away and nurture their growing minds.
One. Such a small number. A number meaning first. Zane has experienced his first year of life. The first of many more. Growth in the first year is always amazing. A newborn of only natural reflexes, to feed and sleep has turned into a little boy determined to grab everything off of any surface within sight. Many smiles are given to all who smile at him. He loves big these days, especially his siblings. He loves toy cars and pushes them around like a champion, creating a brotherly squabble over them, daily. Zane communicates with minimal baby sign, by pointing, grunting, and he has a few words stock piled in his vocabulary.
This next year a forming personality will be molded even farther. His vocabulary will grossly be expanded and we will see him mature. The baby in him will fade even farther as chunky, unsteady legs will transform into lean, strong runners. His round perfect cheeks will elongated into a handsome little man. He will develop deeper and strong bonds will his siblings. I will strive to learn how to be a better mom to four children who are becoming more independent and nurturing their own strong personalities. The tears will diminish over my last baby. The future is my focus.
I told a stories before bed this evening. A turtle who was helped by a tricycle riding two year old and a young girl who received a horse for her sixth birthday (there will be no birthday gifted horse, but a girl can imagine and fall asleep with trotting hooves in her ears) were on the menu, again. After I nursed Zane to sleep. This ritual is one he and I are no where ready to give up. He’s one, but still a baby. After I held him close, gently set my lips on his soft forehead and stroked his fine blond hair. My lips pursed and I kissed him over and over. His hand slowly lifted to my cheek. He’s still a baby, my baby. I’ll keep him this way for awhile longer. I’m not really ready for it to be over, but will try to make my focus be our family of six and not dwell on wanting a family of eight.