Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mama's Been Sewing

I've been forcing myself to get some me time during the day. I found a great skirt tutorial for the girls and decided some festive Fourth of July outfits were needed. Max's shirt still needs to be completed, but I was able to do three skirts and a tie shirt for Zane over the week. My neighbor just had a baby last night (June 29th) so I made the new little one a newborn skirt for her to wear. I'm proud of my work and thought I would share.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Giddy Up Cowgirl!

Noelle is shy. Noelle sits back and takes it all in while in a group. She is quite, reserved, and absorbs everything. Because of this very timid way of life we wanted her to get out this summer, gearing up for kindergarten in the fall.

The perfect something for a summer activity is a week long day camp. What do most five year old girls love? Duh, horses! Giddy up! In April I signed her up for horse camp and there has been a countdown since. Pink cowgirl boots were immediately purchased upon sign up, only to get scuffed, dirty and loved during camp.

Needless to put in writing, she loved it. Each morning she eagerly awoke, dressed, ate, and begged to get there asap. Her enthusiasm was contagious. I couldn't wait to pick her up and hear about the adventures that were had that day.

She learned to ride. Not only that, responsibility and care of the horse were greatly emphasized. Noelle and a partner were assigned a horse to care for during the week. They fed, walked, bathed, brushed, and cleaned stalls daily. To my surprise Noelle actually enjoyed the work part as well as the fun riding part.

On the last day, Friday, the campers showed their skills to the parents. Noelle lead her horse, Snazzy, around will ease then did some riding. The children and I loved watching show off her new skills. It was a great end to a camp Noelle will surely be attending for years to come.

After the parents show we went through the barn and met all the horses. Max and Violette were in love as Noelle stood tall with pride during introductions of the many horses.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Boaters Delight

The planning started about a week before we left. The lists were scratched out, added to, and restarted again and again. Our first trip up to Traverse City, as a family of 6, was upon us. I was nervous, scared, and excited.

A lot of emotions for just driving up to visit my parents and brother! I wanted everything to go as well as it possibly could. A forgotten favorite blanket, animal, or clothing item could turn an hour of good into excess whining and screaming. Must avoid as many unnecessary meltdowns as possible was my theory. That theory along with many deep breaths and a lot of concentrating of sitting back and just enjoying the moment made for a kick ass, one for the record books, awesome weekend trip!

After a cloudy Friday morning the sun sprang through the clouds and the air warmed up. A beach excursion was in the cards. Found crayfish, toes dipped in water, shovels of sand shoveled, smiles planted of faces - it was as it should be, lovely, and enjoyable.

Late nights are rarely experienced, but this was a special trip. The melting sun, slowly dipping down to the horizon made for a picturesque backdrop as we indulged in ice cream.
Our chunks had his first taste of ice cream and loved it. Instantly turning on the tears when it was taken away.

The other three ran around, loving the treat of staying up late, inhaling the sweetness of life and the love of Grandpa and Grandma Goodhue.

Saturday came with sun shine blazing and temperatures rising. It was a boat day. No one was sure how the munchkins would handle their first boating experience. We all prepared for a short jaunt, just enough to wet the whistle and get them used to the boat. No one expected the great reaction exhibited by the children. They were in water heaven. They wanted to go faster and loved all aspects of the outing.

The water was chilly, but sparkled with beauty and crispness.

Anchored in a secluded cove, a drifting tube, throwing rocks, finding treasures, and soaking up the sun was the way we spent many hours. The pictures speak for themselves to the amount of fun we all had:

The chit-chat, dreaming, and constant reminders of their excellent time on the boat means another trip will be soon had. My tedious planning wasn't necessarily needed, sitting back and enjoying it all was.

A quick pic of Grandparents and all four children ends a post about one kick ass trip!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Special Place

St. Clair, Mi is just one of those special places to me. I lived there until the age of 5. Both of my parents grew up there, my Grandparents always had a summer place there, a few Aunts live there, it's a place I have gone to all my life.

The St. Clair River is the ultimate back drop. The river sparkles in the sun. Noelle always comments that it has diamonds in the water. Max refers to it as, "Great Grandma's River" still. Violette lights up and exclaims, "pretty water" when we drive by it. The large boats constantly making their way down and up the river mesmerize the children and beckon adults to take a moment and enjoy the terrific view.

Great Grandpa was ready for our visit, pulling out all the sand toys for our arrival. The kids didn't wait long to get down to the sand and test the chilly water with their tiny toes. Zane loved the sand wiggling his toes and grasping handfuls. It was his first experience and he was enthralled. Of course a fair amount of sand found it's way into his mouth. His chubby cheeks were smeared.

Noelle, Max, and Violette ran up and down the beach throwing rocks, digging holes, and to say that they were loving it would be a bit of an understatement. Aunt CC joined in the fun too, bringing along her puppy and finance. Just what the kids needed, more family to share the beautiful weather with.

A few hours passed and it was time to head over to Aunt Judy's house for a barbecue. Leaving the beach was a hard one, but the promise of a dip in the hot tub was just the incentive they needed.

Zane was happily passed around as family came in and out of the house. Everyone talked and ate and enjoyed each other. Grandpa told incredible stories, capturing and captivating the attention of the older cousins, stories that will surely be passed down.

Noelle, Max, and Violette dunked themselves in the hot tub, or a mini-pool just the right size for them, as they like to think of it. Water any way is always the highlight for their little selves.

More time passed than anticipated and droopy eyes were seen. We loaded up the masses of stuff that we, a family of six, now travel with and said our goodbyes, knowing not too much time would pass until we would be back again.

Cousin Desmond was graduating and just before we left I was able to see him all dressed in his gown and give him a hug before the big diploma ceremony. Time marches on as I remember him being born. He was a very sick little guy, spending more time in the NICU than a little baby should have to. I vividly remember phone calls and tears when my mom would receive info on his progress. He's healthy, happy, and now graduated from high school, on to the next important journey in life.
Yep, St. Clair is a pretty special place. The children fell asleep within minutes of leaving, snuggled up to their new pee-wee pillow pets from Grandpa (these are SO cute and loved greatly since getting them!). Before they fell asleep, they each waved goodbye to the sparkling, diamond water. It is greeted with smiles and anticipation and given a farewell of tired, droopy hands, and thanks for the great day.