Zane Michael Roehrig, born October 19th, is officially 6 months old today (Tuesday). Half a year has flown by. October, November, December, January, February, March, and April, seriously, that is a lot of months to go by in a seemingly short period of time. A lot of months for a baby to grow, develop and become. Zane has definitely grown, developed, and became a intricate part of our family.
Grown for sure. He is all solid, rolly-polly, baby delight. At his doctor appointment he weighed in at 18 lbs. 10 oz. and 27 1/2 inches.
We tried to introduce some solids, rice cereal and then on a separate occasion,pureed bananas, but we were met with a peculiar reaction. After each time, Zane got fiercely ill, throwing up everything, projecting it all over me. After that he would have nothing left to regurgitate, but continued to heave and get up bile (yes, it's gross, but such a severe reaction on multiple occasions that I want to make clear note of) for hours and hours afterward. Going over this bizarre reaction with the doctor he just figured, due to lack of fever or rash of any sort, that Zane is not ready for any solids. I will continue to exclusively breastfeed him until 7 months, then try a little solids . If the reaction occurs again, I will wait until 8 months, then 9 if needed.
This continuation of complete dependency on me has me grinning from ear to ear. This is a solid excuse to cherish my breastfeeding moments and drink them all in. To stare down at his large blue eyes, stroke his soft bald head, and tightly grip his chubby fingers, is something that will only be for a little while. When not holding onto my finger his hands knead my skin just like a kitten. The pain is worth the comfort it lends to him. The smiles that sneak in while he doesn't miss a beat gulping down his meal, instantly bring a deep giggle from me and I always lean in for just one more kiss.
Zane is now doing the normal six month old things, sitting on his own, grabbing everything in sight and gnawing on it. Typical, and so fun! Crawling should be a ways off, he likes to sit and watch the chaos ensue around as there is always someone to entertain him for a bit.
All in all he is chunky, healthy, happy, wonderful, and pretty cute to boot. These last six months have been a joy, chaotic, but very joyful.