Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Another annoying and time consuming illness has settled upon our house. It started with Noelle on Friday and has moved to Max. Hopefully it ends there. Needless to say our plans of actually getting some work done around the house this weekend were fouled. Noelle just likes to be held and have both parents at her beck and call.

Sunday we had to make a trip to the ER for Violette. Something happened (someone probably pushed her off of something) and she stopped walking on her leg, not the one she previously broke. As I learned before, babies don't fake things and there is usually something wrong when they stop putting pressure on their leg. After much debating I decided to take her in. Her x-rays were clear of any broken bones, but the doctor did a thorough exam and could see there was something not right with the lack of use going on. He mentioned that x-rays don't always pick up every break, or a possible sprain, could be the problem. Either way if it got worse I should bring her back in, in the mean time keep an eye on her. She was her typical sweet, smiley self, charming all the nurses and even the doctor. Of course, because of our previous history of a broken leg, and Max burning himself they had to make sure all was well on the home front. The doctor said that he could easily tell she was a happy baby, and I was a "very together, conscientiousness, and loving Mother", I will take that! Luckily, we have seen some improvement over the last few days. I should have just waited like I did before. Ironic, don'tcha think?!

Monday Noelle's fever had finally broken and the weather was beautiful. I made the decision that some water play was okay. I filled a bucket, gave the kids some cups and spoons and sat back as they amused themselves. The giggles, smiles, and commodore that followed was wonderful. Their ages, 4, 2, and 1 are still easily entertained and it is welcomed by this Mommy!

Wednesday, Max seemed to be the depths of this bug. Sleeping, coughing, screaming, crying, whining, it's a constant struggle to make him comfortable and happy. As I've mentioned numerous times before, Max has to make everything a challenge, including being sick. I love this progression of him taking his temp then seeing the high number on it:

The weather is beyond gorgeous and Tom is working, when allowed to, on the swing set. The only thing left are the swings themselves, but with Max being sick work has been halted since Daddy isn't allowed to leave Max's side!
We are avoiding the dreadful Holiday traffic and staying home this weekend. Growing up I used to laugh at the backed up northbound traffic on I-75 as we headed South to visit family. Now we are one of those cars backed in the many traffic jams, but not this weekend we are being smart! My sister, Aunt Ceecee, is coming in on Saturday to spend the night with us. As a birthday present to Tom she has generously offered to watch the kids for us. Tom wants to go out to dinner AND a movie. GASP! That is a lot of time away from my babies and I'm not sure I can do both. This gets a huge eye roll and annoyed sigh from Tom, but it's too rough on me. I have a feeling he'll force me to do both and instead of enjoying myself I will be hyperventilating with worry. I have come to realize that I have serious issues, possibly on the verge of psychotic when it comes to leaving the children, but I'm okay with it. I'm a stay-at-home-mom and I don't like to part with the kids...ever!

Next week Noelle starts up swimming again. I have opted to put her in some private lessons for a few weeks. The one on one time will be very beneficial for her I think. She can actually swim completely on her own for shorts lengths. She is excited and it can only help improve her abilities.

That's all for now. Have a safe and wonderful Holiday Weekend!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Day of Pictures

Sunny and beautiful, it was a day of many pictures. Here is what I love:

A little girl, tough as can be, after being pushed off a bed:

The simple joy from just sitting on the lawn mower:

Violette walking:


Swinging legs and siblings getting along:

That face:

The lack of hair on that head:

A boy so tired out from playing:

A swing set well on it's way to being done:

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Posting Again

Mother's Day came and went. No pictures. Why? I have no good explanation other than I had planned on taking a lovely picture with my three babies and it never happened. I did have a great day, minus some very crabby children. I was able to sleep in and then the kids and Tom brought be breakfast in bed. Noelle loved telling me "Happy Mother's Day Mommy, you're the best" every few minutes and it was very nice to hear. Max would chime in too but his soul pleasure on weekends is Daddy.

The beginning of May always has a ton of birthday's for us. Charlotte turned 24 on May 6th, Tom's brother turned 37 on May 9th, Granpa Goodhue turned the big 4-9 on May 12th, and of course Tom turned 31 on May 13th. We hope everyone had a wonderful Birthday! We have no pictures from Tom's birthday celebration, again. Instead of a cake Tom wanted me to bake him some cookies. I got a wonderfully delicious recipe from a friend for chocolate chip cookies that Tom fell in love with last time I made them. Noelle and Max and Violette helped me bake the cookies and we gave Tom a deep fryer. This present is, of course, helping out his high blood pressure and cholesterol! It is something we have wanted for awhile now and will be put away for special occasions only!

Saturday the girls and I drove in to St. Clair for my cousin's wedding shower. Marie is getting married on June 12th and this is the wedding that Noelle and Max have the privilege of being in. The girls looked adorable in their dresses

We had a wonderful time at the shower. Noelle was shy at first but after getting some food in her stomach she was helping Marie open gifts and claimed that was one of her favorite times of the shower. Seeing my Mom and sister was wonderful as well. Also being able to see my aunts and family friends was a huge highlight of the trip. Here are some pictures, because I did use my camera, finally! I'll add one of Max, even though he wasn't at the shower, my boy needs to be in at least one picture on this post!

I did schedule a longer ultrasound for June 3rd. If the baby cooperates then we will find out the sex. I am going to have the tech, baby willing, write down the sex and then we will open the result as a family. I'm still feeling that this baby is a boy, Tom is thinking we are having another girl. We actually made a bet and the winner will enjoy picking a weekend day and being able to sleep in, uninterrupted, until 11am! That is HUGE in our house!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

An Update for Char

I guess I should update with more than a few pictures. My sister Charlotte has been waiting for an update. Not much is going on around here. The big exciting event this weekend was buying a new fish tank. The children loved that and have been glued to the tank watching the fish all the time.

Tom hooked up the wagon to the lawn mower and gave the kids some rides. That was, of course, a huge hit. Much crying and whining were handed to us once the ride was over.

Tom keeps trying to work on the swing set that has planted itself in our garage for almost two months now. He gets about 20 minuets tops here and there to work on it, otherwise the children beg him to be with them and give his full attention to them. Noelle usually bats her long eyelashes, tilts her head, and sweetly asks Tom to snuggle her during Max and Violette's weekend nap times. How can a Dad say no to that? He can't. The times he does work on it Max is right there, glued to his side. The other day, while sorting bolts, he said, "Daddy we're two Handomes." That's one of my favorite new lines! He occasionally steals some tools and then we find them the next day hidden in some toy of his. Violette has been taking more and more steps on her own. Favoring her leg less and less now. I can't wait until she is full on walking because I'm sick of the dirty knees after playing outside. Her hair is getting a bit more curl and I got a pic of the back! Hopefully it continues and thickens, but at this age she has the biggest amount of curls.
Noelle enjoyed playing with my wedding veil and I captured a quick shot of her with my phone, cheesy grin and all:
That's it, I've got nothing else! Have a good rest of your week!

Five Eyes For Wednesday

Noelle and I were having fun taking pictures of every one's eyes and zooming in.