Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Traveling To TC - A Post With A Ton Of Pictures

It was another great weekend up in Traverse City. I do believe it is our favorite city! Of course it helps that Mom, Dad, and Alex are there. We left Friday morning, Tom was the chauffeur and I sat in the third row. It worked out well because I was able to attend to the children's needs and we only made a quick stop for food and used the drive thru.
We headed out to watch Daddy fill in on Uncle Alex's softball team. Tom had fun and the children enjoyed playing around with Granma before the game and watching Daddy during the game.
Saturday we didn't go anywhere but we had a blast playing outside and hanging around the house. When Granma came home from work we headed out for a nice, tiring, and long walk in the woods. Noelle loved climbing the big hill, looking for acorns, and just exploring. Max had a lot of fun too, walking most of the way by himself, except for a few rides on Dad's shoulders. Both Tom and I truly miss having woods around and resent the fact we have to BUY trees to have some!
We decided to avoid traffic and enjoy one day at home, so we headed out around 4pm on Sunday. Before we left we wanted to tire the kids out so we headed to a park. The first one we went to was on the water but with the breeze it was a bit too cold. Before leaving we did try a few things out at the park, and Granma had to get in on the action too!

The next park was a big hit, Max and Noelle had a great time. Even Uncle joined in on the fun!

Max was overall a bit shy and cranky during the trip so his whining seemed to follow us where ever we went. He is still only 16 months so he has an excuse. Being outside or "side" as Max calls it, always put a smile on his face and guaranteed a meltdown upon ending the outdoor fun. Noelle had a few typical outbursts, mostly due to the fact her and Max didn't sleep that well sharing a room. All things very minor and overall it was, again, a wonderful trip Up North. We look forward to our next one.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I thought I might sit down and try to write a post of recent events. Violette is sleeping in her swing and Noelle is resting on the couch watching a show as Max is napping. I thought he was napping but now he is crying so I will finish this later...

It seems I now have a bit of peace and quiet before Violette gets her last feeding. Things around here have been going very well. Tom celebrated his 30th birthday on May 13th. He didn't want anything beside his favorite pizza, a large extra cheese pizza from Mancino's. Because we are doing a lot of things around the house, including a patio that was put in this week, no presents were given. When I was younger I never understood how my parents would consider projects and big purchases gifts to each other. I now understand it!
We painted the former nursery/Max's room this weekend. I let Noelle pick out the colors and because her name is Noelle Rose and her sister is Violette, pink and purple were chosen. I wasn't sure about the purple because it has the tendency to be, well, too purple. It turned out great! The purple is pale and the pink is also a little pale and they go very well together. We still have to paint Noelle's former room blue for Max and that will happen, probably Monday. As of now Max is sleeping in the purple/pink room! Poor guy. Noelle was quick to point out and cry, while whining, "It's too girly for Max!". Good thing he is too young to really care.Our beloved Uncle Fish passed this weekend too. Noelle was very upset and we told her we would flush him down the toilet and he would go to Fishy Heaven. She promptly looked at us and said, "He won't go to Heaven. He will go down the pipes and out to the septic tank.". Tom just had to teach her what happens when you flush the toilet! After she was calm she decided we needed to get another fish and name her Tinkerbell. A few days later she told Tom, "Tinkerbell will die too and then the garbage truck will eat him up.". I ended up putting Uncle Fish in the garbage. It's funny how children's minds work.

We have been enjoying the weather immensely. Aunt Ceecee came to visit Tuesday evening and stayed until Wednesday evening. We picked up lunch and headed out to a local park. The kids had a ton of fun. The park had a small lake and while dipping our toes in it Max ran full force into the deep and, of course, went right under. I scooped him up and he kept saying, "wet, water, wet, water!". The Little Dude has NO fear! I have no pictures because the camera batteries were not charged. The pictures would have been cute, bummer.

Tomorrow we head up to Traverse City...finally! I am extremely excited to see my Dad and Brother, which we haven't seen since Thanksgiving! This will also be our first big trip with all three children. I'm sure it will go fine and we will all have a wonderful time. Here are some pictures of the kids having fun over the past week! Enjoy:

I hope everyone enjoys the wonderful three day weekend!

Monday, May 18, 2009

3 at 2 Months

Noelle Rose: 9 lbs. 4 oz., 22 inches

Maximilian Charles: 10 lbs. 9 oz., 22 3/8 inches

Violette Adelle: 10 lbs. 7 oz., 21 1/2 inches

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend

I am going to give Natalie a break from her blogging on Mother's Day and put together a quick recap of the weekend. We started out with a get together Friday evening at a good friend's house. There were a bunch of adults our age and all the kids that go along with us all these days. We had a great time, and the weather held off to make it a beautiful night to be outside. The kids all played, and the grown-ups had a chance to get in a few words in between the parenting duties.

Saturday was spent getting the lawn mowed and cleaned up. Noelle came along with me for a few passes, but I go slower with her on board than, so I ditched her to speed up. She went inside with mom and still kept an eye on me while I finished up. The kiddos always help rake up any grass that's left over and they have fun helping out. Other than this, we took it easy and let them play inside with a baseball tee, because it was way too windy outside and had started to rain. I never get as much as I want done, but I'd rather play with them. I know they will be too grown up to play with me sooner than I'd like, so I don't feel too bad about the incomplete projects.

Sunday morning was spent trying to take care of mom. Noelle kept saying, "Mom, today is your day!" Max was the usual little dude; oblivious to the special day, but loving his momma just the same. Noelle, Max, and I ventured out to the grocery store after lunch to give Natalie some alone time with Violette. They are always perfect with me when we go anywhere, and we had a good trip. I think their angelic behavior drives Natalie nuts, but it's only because I'm a change of pace for them. If I was home with them all day, they'd be testing their boundaries with me more. We got Natalie a necklace that she wanted with the children's names, birthstones, and birthdates on pendants. I think she really likes it, and there is room to add more.

It was a great weekend, and I wish it didn't have to come to an end. Here are a couple of pictures of us looking at the paper together. I hope all you mothers had a great day. It is truly an amazing thing to be able to be a mom.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our Little Helpers!

Planting, landscaping, and general yard work just don't do it for me. I like flowers and landscaping, but I do not want to do the work to yield the result. Dirt under fingernails, stained clothing, dirt everywhere. Not fun for me. Which is why after living in our house for over three years, we have no landscaping done. This weekend Tom decided to get motivated and I supervised him and tried to control the children. We (they) did some very simple planting of bushes around the front porch. It looks very nice but took about four times as long because of the little "helpers" we have. Max loved grabbing hand fulls of dirt and alternating between throwing them and eating them. Noelle had her own little shovel and proceeded to dig her own hole. They were cute and, oh so helpful.

Installation of our fence began on Monday. I had to leave for a few hours for my six week doctor's appointment. That went very well. Anyways, when I came back the fence was well on it's way to being completed. When Tom arrived home, all that had to be finished was the gate, which still has not yet been completed. Upon walking the perimeter, the installation guys failed to follow simple directions. Tom was specific as to keep all the sprinkler heads inside the perimeter. About half are now outside the fence and we need to have them moved. Also we have a small section of fence in one corner, I don't mind it, but Tom being a perfectionist, it drives him insane. Something that would've been avoided, had they followed directions. It will be some time before the sprinkler heads are moved and the wire can be put on the fence. In the meantime I think it looks nice and although the small piece will forever annoy Tom, it is a nice addition to the house and will serve the purpose of containing the children once completed.

The kids and I have been enjoying the warmer weather, spending oodles of time outside. Playing in the sand table and mixing in the dirt, and adding water to produce mud for mud pies seems to be the greatest thing. Yesterday morning while nursing they went outside, in pj's with no shoes. I said to say on the deck. That, of course, was not obeyed and soon I heard the hose being turned on. By the time I went outside they both were sporting dirty feet and pj's. I let them go for awhile and then dumped their dirty bodies into the sink to be hosed down. They both thought it was hilarious to bathe in the sink!

Violette is doing well. She is so chunky and lovable! Because of nursing she has a great attachment to me and doesn't care much for Daddy yet. Max and Noelle were the same way at this age. In the following pictures she is on a blue blanket and could easily pass for a boy, but the many patterns on the blanket seem to hold her attention.

Dad: "Noelle what are you doing?"
Noelle with a shoulder shrug and a smirk: "Just being mischievous."

Dad: "Why were you in time out Noelle?"
Noelle: "Because I stepped on you when you said not to. And...and I had a evil smile!"

While getting ready to change Violette's diaper Max points to her little umbilical hernia and says, "weenie".

Max walks into the kitchen and yells, "Dude hunry!". We refer to him as our little dude a lot!

Also, I would like to say Happy 23rd Birthday to my little sister! You have been instrumental to us with the children. Our very limited, and much needed, time away from them has usually been because of you. We are very grateful for all of our help and support! I hope you have a great day and enjoy being young and FABULOUS!